[center][img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTgxMmZhY2YtMjYxOC00NDFiLWE5NmUtMDc5NWU1NjA5ODZjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzAzNzg4NTg@._V1_.jpg[/img] [h2]Marcel Sanders[/h2] 790|DEMON (WATER)|THE UNDERSTANDING ONE Marcel is the son of Amelia, the water archdemon, and Azrael Sanders, and is a rather unknown member of the Sanders line as Amelia raised him away from Hell. This worked out well as he is a water demon and wouldn't have been in a good environment to learn how to use his powers if he would have been in Hell. He doesn't know Azrael very well, but he has met him and talked to him. He even made a point of it to visit him in the cages on occasion, but he always made sure that his aunt was with him. Marcel has done a lot of traveling in the seas and oceans of the world, and when he travels more inland, he almost always meets up with his aunt as she can help him navigate it better. Marcel generally isn't too far off from his mother though, as he knows how badly she can worry about him. Despite this, he will go without seeing her for a up to a year or two at a time, as he knows how much she loves to travel the seas. He also knows how to find her if he ever needs her. Marcel is also probably the only Sanders child that knew of nearly all of his siblings, but he has been surprised by one of them. Marcel is closest to Harper, who is often mistaken for his twin as they are only a few months apart in age and have always been around each other. If there is one person in his family aside from his mother and his aunt who can always find him, it's Harper. He makes a point to be there when he needs him, and he knows Harper will do the same. He even talked Harper into coming to the school with him. Marcel is very understanding by nature. He is a very caring and kind sort, but his demeanor should never mistake for the fact that he will very much prove his is both a demon and a Sanders. He is patient, moreso than the majority of his siblings anyway, and knows how to play the long game when it comes to certain things. He is eager to meet his siblings, but because of his nomadic nature, he doesn't stay in place long enough to be able to hear anything about their whereabouts. His Kelpie, Bermuda [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e92d8f_6cc2e03ddff2413a8c3bfa83846ce63f~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_262,h_192,al_c,q_90/e92d8f_6cc2e03ddff2413a8c3bfa83846ce63f~mv2.jpg[/img] CLASSES History Ancient Languages and Dialects Botany IV PE Ancient Literature Free Coexisting with other creatures [/center]