[center][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.aUY1sHmgYPyoxk2TiTnxeQHaHa?pid=ImgDet&rs=1[/img] Harper (Sanders) Edison 790|Demon (Mind)|The Restless Harper is the son of Thelona, the mind archdemon, and Azrael Sanders. Harper is rather unknown member of the Sanders family. Due to the fact that his mother was pretty much on the run from the cells when he was born, Harper was raised on the top side and moving around every year. Right now he still wonders around England (where he grew up), Ireland, and France. Finding it sort of uncomfortable to actually stay in one place for very long. Not to mention with his job it pays well to go where the money is. Despite the fact Azrael was actually made aware of his birth, Harper doesn't know him well at all. Having only came to see him three times while he was locked away. And technically the first time he had been visiting his mother. It was also in the first time meeting his father that he met his aunt Neria and half brother Marcel. While he hasn't met any other of that side of his family, he actually does really good at keeping in touch with both of them. Him and Marcel growing to be good friends. Not meeting his other family members hasn't been for lack of wanting to as much as not really putting the effort in. He knows of them, Neria keeping him updated when she can. He figures that he will meet them in travel or Marcel will talk him into it when he meets them like he wants. That said he does know and is a good uncle to the kids from the siblings he grew up with. Harper is the type of person who is patient, until hes not. He definitely has a temper that he works hard to control. Not really in a violent sense, as much of a he knows what he could do if not in control way. To the point of learning to go in his own mind and stay there until he calms down. Though when he loses his patience it's in a big way. It isn't hard to see his mother in him. Because of this he forces himself to hold a more carefree personality. Trying not to focus on stressful situations and live his life to the fullest. He definitely has the Sanders loyalty streak, when he finds someone that he likes to hang around, he'll go to the end to protect them. He also has the Sanders smart mouth and sense of humor, edging on both dark and corny. CLASSES Botany and Alchemy IV Ancient Languages and Dialects Controlling and Protecting the Mind IV(CPM) PE Ancient Literature Free Co-Existing with Other Supernaturals EXTRA CLASSES Overcoming Rage (Saturday Class) [/center]