Hard heels clicked rhythmically along the cobblestone alley as the redhaired woman maintained a brisk pace. The cold night air showed her breath from between a pair of pursed, ruby lips. One hand was slipped into her jacket, resting at the ready on her standard issued firearm. The other gingerly touched against the stone wall while emerald eyes darted about recording every inch of her surroundings. Clandestine meetings on a foggy night were a Hollywood cliché, but yet, here she was carrying one out on behalf of S.W.O.R.D. The Sentient World Observation and Response Department was a counter part to S.H.I.E.L.D., the Strategic Homeland Investigation, Espionage and Logistics Division. Developed in response to the world's so-called heroes and villains, it was these beings of power that had long since confirmed humanity's question of what was out there. Turned out, most of it wasn't as friendly as the one with the hammer or the boy scout in blue. Ahead of her, a tall figure loomed in the shadow cast by the overhead footbridge. The sounds of the city were louder here, able to cover their conversation as splashes of colourful lighting could be seen beyond the figure at the alley's exit. "The sun is very bright today." The male stated as Agent Morse approached him. "But the ice is still very slippery." She replied with a bored tone. Again. Cliché. "Thank you for meeting with me.* The other figure nodded appreciatively before producing a small flash drive from within their palm. "Everything you're looking for is on this drive. Recorded footage, your analysts will be able to tell it's not doctored or forged. There were three of them, big, green and with pointy ears." "Skrulls." Morse snarled before reaching for the drive. "They're not usually so careless." "" Morse moved to draw her weapon, but the familiar hum caused her to hesitate as she looked towards the male in front of her. The glowing barrel of his weapon pointed directly towards her abdomen as two others appeared from the shadows, transforming from inanimate objects back to their true form. "" The agent smiled before her voice suddenly filled the heads of her three would-be assailants. [I]If you knew what I was, then you should have brought more men.[/I] The Skrulls shrieked in agony, purple blood spilling from their ears before their eyes rolled into the back of their heads. All three corpses dropped to the ground simultaneously as Agent Morse brought her phone to her mouth. "I have three specimens for transport."