[center][h2]The 411 - Galley Meeting, Part Two[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PO7jvEf.jpg[/img] [/center] OOC: Part 2 of a JP/Collab from [@Xandrya], [@Bugman], [@ Little Bill], [@wanderingwolf], and [@sail3695] [i]Dear.’[/i] Strike One. Leastways he didn’t call ‘er [i]‘Sweetie.’[/i] Abby mighta tried tah bust some silver outta Boone’s mouth if he done that. She’s ‘bout tah call [i]Fèihuà[/i] on tha whole ‘somebody-done-died-an-hurt-my-heart’ spiel til he come clean an’ fessed up tah doin’ tha killin’ hisself. Abby had no truck with that. Killin’ was killin’. Ain’t nobody lived in tha black weren’t on reg’lar terms with folk bein’ kilt. Hell, she’s fifteen when she popped a pair ‘o’ Reavers her own self. She din’ know why Boone killed that Dan with them thumbs. Weren’t none ‘o’ her business. But who’s flyin’ tha boat she’s in? Uh….yeah! That was a matter of some concern…’specially when it sounded like Cap’n signed off real easy like on a man ain’t never actually done tha thing. No need tah come tha acid with Boone. Instead, she fixed ‘er eyes on Cap’n, hopin’ fer all tha world he might conjure a great big [i]WHAT THA SAM HILL YAH THINK YER PLAYIN’ AT?[/i] reachin’ his way across tha table. Straightening up on her chair, Imani took a quick glance around to gauge the reactions of some of her fellow crewmates. “Well, we’re happy you’re with us, Boone,” Imani spoke up, offering as sincere of a smile as she could muster. “As long as you get us to each location in one piece, there won’t be any quarrels ‘tween you and I.” She took another sip of her tea before replacing the cup on the table. Here was to Strand exceeding the expectations of his captainly duties. Yuri’s eyes were focused on the little screen in his hands. [i]3 meter aluminum truss, 90 pieces,[/i] he scanned the list. [i]6 way corner blocks, 12 pieces, weldable hinge plates, 26 pieces.[/i] He hadn’t been watching the crew, but the overall tone of conversation had remained easy. He’d heard the strike of Elias’ marker to his white board without follow up to Boone’s answer, as well as questions from Lyen and Abby. [i]6 chain hoist, 2 ton capacity, 32 exploding bolts @ 12.7mm.[/i] He followed the quote line for line, nodding contentedly, until a substitution request caught his eye. [i][b]Laser weld pkgs are out of stock. I have 4 EB7 kits. Acceptable?[/b][/i] Electron beam welders weren’t quite as friendly or quick as their laser counterparts, but he and Elias would have no trouble handling them. Both Cal and Abby were at least nodding acquaintances with spot welding, so they could be brought up to speed. [i][b]EB7’s are fine,[/b][/i] Yuri’s thumbs tapped out the response. [i][b]Got an addition,[/b][/i] he continued. [i][b]Do you have any XXL flight chairs?[/b][/i] Cal Strand, still leaning against the galley’s table, watched the eyes of the crew as they took Boone up on his offer for answers. Abigail’s reaction brought a smirk to his face, behind the stoked ember of his cigarette. He read her message loud and clear, but he couldn’t help but feel tickled at the red rising in her eyes. ‘Til this point, the Captain had been listening as a bystander, but he did have a curiosity to voice. Turning in his lean, Strand met eyes with the pilot. “What’s with all the crossin’ and prayin’? You some sort of Shepherd on the side? We already got one ‘holy’ body onboard, and this boat can only take so many morals.” Over his shoulder, Cal shot a wary glance at Sister Lyen who met his gaze with a sincere smile. Strand quickly returned his attention to Boone. Boone shook his head with a sheepish smile. “No sir, Mr. Cal, I’m no Shepherd.” He shifted in his boots once more, clearly struggling to put his thoughts into words, pausing for a few moments before continuing. “I did a lot of nasty things to people. No two ways about it. Left me with a lot of nasty memories when I went in and not much else. Sittin’ on all that nastiness, with nothing to do but reflect on it, day in and day out…” He shrugged, casually tossing his hefty hands in the air, “The only way I could forgive myself was to find out that I had already been forgiven. A long time ago, on a far-away desert on another planet, by a savior willing to die for what he knew I’d do.” He sighed, looking past the captain at some unseen memory. “That was the only way I could really reflect in the mirror and not smash it, I s’pose.” [i]Well, that’s that.[/i] Abby seen ‘erself on tha losin’ end agin. Capn’s lookin’ at ‘er over his cigarette like she’s tha butt of ‘is joke or sumpin’. Man had a way ‘o’ bein’ one arrogant sumbitch an’ takin’ pleasure seein’ her git tweaked. For sure they’s more tah this lil’ story…jest enough tah please him watchin’ his deckhand all lathered. [i]Yeah,[/i] she conjured, [i]he got me agin.[/i] Droppin’ her expression from ‘volcano’ tah ‘one eyebrow cocked,’ Abby leaned back in ‘er chair an’ emptied ‘er soda. She’s ‘bout tah cut loose a powerful belch ‘til Edina give her tha eye. Abby thought tha world of Edina, ‘cept fer times like this when she gits all ‘Big Sister.’ [i]Figgers,[/i] she mused all glum like as she swallowed tha burp. [i]Ole Cut Throat there jest sweet talkin’ ever’body an’ I’m tha one’s gotta mind muh manners…[/i] The room had gone quiet. Absorbed as he was in the developing equipment manifest, Yuri had taken no notice, until the nudge of a foot upon his ankle roused him from his study. Edina met his eye with arched brows and a slight incline of her head toward the Captain. Cal’s eyes delivered his order with crystal clarity. [i]Wrap this up.[/i] “Um,” Yuri’s mouth fell open, “right. You’re all gonna have plenty of time to get to know Mr. Boone, but we’ve got a job to prep. Elias, Abby,” he turned to face the mechanic and deckhand, “after we’re done at the Skyplex, the three of us are gonna spend a lot of time in EV suits. Make sure you’ve got one fitted and QC’d.” The first mate’s attention fixed upon both China Doll’s new medic and her galley hand. “Imani, Edina,” he continued, “we have to stock heavy. Conjure up your shopping lists to keep us for two months.” That startled the crew. As he lifted a hand to quiet the galley, Yuri read surprise, alarm, even consternation. More intriguing was the keen excitement projected from two pairs of eyes. “Doc,” the colloquialism nearly tripped his tongue as he tried it out for Imani, “if one of ours gets hurt or sick, we’ll be weeks away from any dirtside med. You’ve got leeway to beef up the medbay to handle more serious stuff. Think on it, and let’s sit down before we make the Skyplex. Edina,” Yuri glanced her way, “You need to load us up on protein paste and foodstuff bars. Captain’s signed off on real coffee, the tea you like, and your favorite sodas, so everyone tell Edina what you want. But here’s the kicker.” He paused. Once certain of everyone’s attention, Yuri said, “a Skyplex is nothing but eyes and ears. Everything we’re picking up would look normal for anyone provisioning a mining camp. That’s our story, if anyone tries to play twenty questions.” He tucked the little cortex reader into his pocket as he continued. “Most pirates won’t want to mess with all the heavy metal we’re loading. But if they get wind we’re hauling extra food and meds, that makes us a sexy target…which is why we’re gonna buy our provisions in dribs and drabs. Every one of us,” Yuri’s eyes swept the table, “will get a grocery list to take care of…pilot and mechanic included.” He rose from his chair. “There’s a powerful lot we’re not telling you right now, but we will…once the Skyplex is in our wake. ‘Til then, get your preps and lists started for a long haul. Abby, let the passengers out to play.” Yuri watched as the crew all stood. Abby was the first to leave, her face a tumble of emotions as she made for the stairs. From the others he read curiosity, reticence, intrigue. The tall mechanic’s eyes broadcast a deepening interest over word of his upcoming EV. “Boone,” he caught the hulking pilot on his way to the cockpit. “You’ve got your course to the Skyplex. We’ve got an extra fifteen percent of fuel beyond reserve for this run. You’re clear to get some maneuvering practice while we’re under way.” China Doll’s crew dispersed, leaving Yuri to follow the Captain to his quarters, and some serious discussion.