[hider=Antarctic Industries]Cobblepot is the classic mob-boss, having used his shipping company to become THE definitive drug baron in Gotham. Warren White meanwhile is simply using illegal and unethical business practices to exploit the workers and prop up the bottom line, helping himself to an embezzled skim off the top while he's at it.[/hider] [hider=Sionis Industrial & Janus Cosmetics]Roman, a natural-born sociopath and abused child, is churning through his inheritance and the company's respective revenues engaging in the wildest, most taboo activities he can think of, half out of spite (burning whatever remains of his parents' legacies) and half out of a genuine desire to just [i]feel something[/i]. With the money and status to simply ignore consequence, his odyssey in search of excitement is leading him down some very dark paths.[/hider] [hider=Hightowers LLC]William was a prominent supporter of Aubrey James' mayoral bid and donated significantly to his campaign, ultimately pulling the right strings to have James 'elected' as mayor so he could puppet him however he liked. James' platform of a housing rejuvenation project in the Narrows was thought up by William, and when James got into office and the project was kicked off in earnest, the construction and maintenance contracts, land lot purchases, lease holders, were all awarded to various shell companies that ultimately funnelled the money straight back into Hightowers LLC. William has further plans for the redevelopment project to further propel Hightowers LLC, but these are yet to blossom.[/hider]