[center] [color=lightskyblue] [h1]The Saltrunner sets Sail![/h1] [/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RMB8Xm5.png[/img] With the crew settled in and the ship making way along the southern seas of Avalia, all seemed to be at a steady calm. The sails were manned, cargo was accounted for, and deckhands were given various tasks to busy themselves while supper was prepared. There was the usual mixture of thrill, curiosity, and caution that came with any trip on the open seas. Not to mention the crews intrigue that was pointed at their captain. What exactly was his game? What did he have planned for them all? Questions likely buzzed in each of their heads, but ultimately the sight of the water and the need for constant attention would drown out any errant thoughts for the time being. Such was the way of the seas, ever attention-seeking and just as dangerous as it was beautiful. As Tanithil continued steering the ship, a slight unease began to creep along the back of his neck. Scanning the horizon he found not much in the immediate area, so he called for a report from the Crow's Nest above. A hasty look from the young light elf stationed up there and an immediate shouted report would reveal that there was another ship on the horizon-line heading straight for them. Upon closer inspection, the jolly roger showed two silver-hued eyes that almost seemed to stare back at the young man through his spyglass. With a slightly more timid voice he yelled down to the crew - "It's the Silver Eyes!". The Silver Eyes, a rogue pirate crew that was known for stalking this tretch of water to plunder what it could from other crews. They hardly looked for their own treasure and simply scouted for those returning from a hunt of their own, which earned them the name Silver Eyes. It was almost as if they had a nose for treasure - and each fight they won bolstered their confidence to the point where they have lately begun starting fights with any and all who sail near them. With a stern grip, Tanithil held onto the steering column and looked to his compatriots. [color=magenta]"Well lads. Feel like stuntin' a treasure swiper today? Cus I ain't plannin' on runnin' back the way we came. No sir-ee! Lest you lot wanna take the easy way out and outmaneuver the muts. That sounds like fun too."[/color] The elf said with a chuckle. [/center]