[@Zeroth][@TokyoPewPew] What the Jesus...?! \O__O/ Whoa whoa whoa! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/tJMVcTfzDdL1pOGxlk/giphy.gif[/img] If everyone could please calm down before we get the guns out, I will explain my two cents. Yes, I did use elements from Kiragan's CS without their express permission, believing that using info from a (supposedly) dead thread would be of no concern. I did not expect backlash from my actions, but it seems there I was sorely mistaken. Therefore, [@Kiragan_Natsuki], I am sorry that I have offended you by obtaining your intellectual property without your consent. I realize that in doing so I have besmirched my credibility in both the RP community and society as a whole. In good faith, I will erase the current CS and draft another of my design. [@TokyoPewPew] While I do not appreciate you airing your grievances on my interest check, I will agree with your argument against my transgressions. You have every right to voice your opinions, however, I ask that next time you do so in private so as not to fill the thread with unnecessary drama. As you have requested, I have given my apology, publicly mind you, to Kiragan and will now erase the [s]thread[/s] character sheet. You have my word I will no longer stoop to such unscrupulous tactics in the immediate future. [@Zeroth] I appreciate you arguing in my defense while I was pre-occupied. For this, I appoint you as my personal attorney...but you'll need a suit. No but seriously, thank you for having my back, even though it was my screw-up to begin with.