[center][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/aoA7FhYh0x5DkgNm62/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47itkc0jpjx9pwsf6xfuhn0uebn5ah2hslpajfv3ib&ep=v1_gifs_related&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkc9-0XeNRY]We're in Love[/url][/sub][/center][hr][sub][i]Nestled in the heart of the countryside lies the quaint town of St. Claudia's Creek, where time seems to move a little slower, and memories echo through every street corner. The town's focal point is its historic high school, an emblem of shared experiences and youthful dreams. As the 10th-anniversary reunion of St. Claduia's High School approaches, former classmates are drawn back to their alma mater from near and far. The town, with its cozy diners, nostalgic parks, and picturesque views, serves as the backdrop for their reunion. Imagine: old pals, now distanced by time, receive poignant invitations to their high school's 10th-anniversary celebration. As they reconvene, there's a tidal wave of emotions – joy, nostalgia, and an underlying tension. The reunion sparks conversations, unraveling stories of their shared past – moments of bliss, unspoken crushes, and personal victories. But amidst the laughter and chatter, a box emerges, holding fragments of our history – faded letters, an untouched diary. Suddenly, their past rushes back, unearthing buried secrets and igniting dormant emotions. It's an opportunity for introspection, a chance to confront unresolved conflicts and untangle the knots of their past. Will they poignantly navigate the waves of old memories? Or old wounds are meant to be reopened, unraveling a trove of secrets and trauma that shaped them into the person that they are now? [/i][/sub] [hr] Hello! Been a while since I put up a proper roleplay. So, it's a small town/highschool reunion rp, where old friends try to reconnect and rekindle old friendships, flames, and or rivalries. Set in the picturesque town of St. Claudia's Creek, emotions run high as they navigate unresolved conflicts and buried secrets, seeking closure and understanding amidst the backdrop of their alma mater's anniversary. I'll include time skips as we progress through the story, the peg here is similar to an episodic campaign where we can experience different scenarios depending on the player's choices/ideas and the like. Nothing too fancy though, the main point will still be about relationship and character building. So that's it, let me know if this is your cup of tea, I will be putting up a character sheet thread if I get enough interest. Hope to hear from ya! :)