[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1105986186507452477/1159932507882528829/idk.png?ex=6532d254&is=65205d54&hm=5c2661bd18c8ba79824d69335eabf369caff7f222b3554ee7b696943d543a669&[/img][/center] [hr] [color=86608E]”You’re always such a dear to me, Charlotte. Taking care of such a mess of a woman must be quite the task.”[/color] Dorothea tried to compliment her dearest aide.. [color=86608E]”I have not been able to truly enjoy myself ever since he…”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”I know, the world has become much more bleak in one year, hasn’t it?”[/color] [color=86608E]”May I ask you something?”[/color] Dory interjected as she tried not to linger on such a subject for too long. [color=#AA4069]”Of course, meine Frau.”[/color] [color=86608E]”How are things back home? Did the small assembly of trust hold together?”[/color] The countess’ expression warped to a much darker one. [color=86608E]”Or do I need to come over there to set things straight?”[/color] Charlotte’s eyes widened to such a question. [color=#AA4069]”The assembly at times squabbles amongst each other but do not fear, they do manage to rule in your stead to a… decent degree.”[/color] Dory did not say much on the answer to her question. In some ways, she seemed to be satisfied with herself. [color=86608E]”Do you think I’m strong now?”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”You’ve always been strong, mein Fraulein.”[/color] [color=86608E]”That is not what I meant!”[/color] The room fell silent. [color=86608E]”What I mean is real strength. Not any of that ‘knowledge is power’ Blödsinn.”[/color] The woman’s hand shook. [color=86608E]”During my last visit to the capital I was shown how truly powerless I was. That hure Annalie was so much stronger than me that I could not even move my body. Her magic was just [b]that[/b] much better!”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”I am sure that you are stronger than you were back then, Dory.”[/color] [color=86608E]”That Sau wanted to make me nothing but a puppet for their own convenience. I’ll show her that as long as I’m alive the Hohnstein name shall not be dirtied any further.”[/color] The aide tugged on her collar in discomfort. [color=#AA4069]”On another topic… It seems that your team is doing pretty well. If I may ask, what made you want to change teams?”[/color] Dory rolled her eyes. [color=86608E]”Well you know, the elusive ‘scorpion’ was not really doing anything and did not talk at all. The Vossoriyan was too busy with her business to do anything for the trials… And poor Yalen’s tethering was really catching up with him, the lad has started to really walk poorly. In the end it was not my idea. Little Marceline was even more frustrated than I was and offered the idea of getting traded out to another team.”[/color] She leaned back as she let out a soft sigh. [color=86608E]”Shame we couldn’t be on the same team until the end. I’ve become rather attached to her, perhaps it might have been due to our shared loss. I want to be there for her in whatever way I can.”[/color] Her expression brightened. [color=86608E]”Even heard the girl had found a boy she showed interest in. It reminds me of last year, though I would hope it involved a lot less alcohol than my first meeting with him.”[/color] Charlotte’s expression warmed up. Perhaps Dory was just going through some hard times, for it was good to see her caring side has not faded away. Her eyes began to scan around and to her surprise… that ominous circlet was nowhere to be found. [color=#AA4069]”Where did that circlet go, mein Fraulein? I thought you were rather attached to it.”[/color] Dory smiled brightly in response to her aide’s question. [color=86608E]”An Enthish lad asked if he could borrow it, so I struck a deal with him. I don’t know why he wanted jewelry for a limited time, perhaps he wanted to look fancy for the ladies.”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”Are you certain he will give it back to you?”[/color] Charlotte doubted it would even be in the back of the head of the man she lent it to. Enthish people weren't people that kept their word. [color=86608E]”Oh, don’t worry about that Charlotte, I am more than [i]certain[/i] they will give it back to me.”[/color] [color=86608E]”Ah, would you look at the time! It is getting late. We need to be wide awake if we want to do well in the final game. I am both excited and scared to fight other students like this, you know?”[/color] Dory tried to giggle her worries away. [color=#AA4069]”I am sure you will go much farther than I will. I am an average mage with decent skill with a blade.”[/color] [color=86608E]”I would like to thank you for helping me get a hang of that sword, you’ve been more than I could ask for.”[/color] Charlotte stood up from her seat and walked towards the door. [color=#AA4069]”It is my duty as your aide and my pleasure as your friend.”[/color] She opened the door and looked back. [color=#AA4069]”Have a good night’s rest, mein Fraulein. The last game will require your all.”[/color] and with that the door closed. [hr] But the night was not over for the aide. They had to meet with someone first. [color=#AA4069]”I’m here, you can stop hiding yourself.”[/color] A click of the tongue could be heard from the corner of the room as the hooded figure showed himself. [color=#656565]”You’re a real buzzkill, you know? I was trying to be all mysterious and cool.”[/color] The Feskan looked at the figure with a surprised look. [color=#AA4069]”But did we not schedule this meeting already? It would be hard for me to be surprised.”[/color] [color=#656565]Theatrics, Charlotte! It’s all about setting a stage.”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”Of course…”[/color] The hooded figure did not look satisfied with such a response. [color=#656565]”Ugh, anyways.”[/color] He clapped his hands together. [color=#656565]”Did you get that thing?”[/color] Charlotte tried to avoid the figure’s eyes. [color=#656565]”Charlotte, you did get it, right?”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”I wish I could say that I did, but even lady Dorothea does not have it at the current moment.”[/color] The Feskan replied. [color=#656565]”What do you mean she doesn’t have it?”[/color] the hooded figure asked hastily. [color=#AA4069]”What I mean is that she does not have it.”[/color] Charlotte looked rather frustrated. [color=#656565]”You can’t be serious, right? She always wears that thing to the point it became weird… and now she just doesn’t have it in her possession?”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”Correct.”[/color] [color=#656565]”Does she seem any different without that thing around?”[/color] [color=#AA4069]”Hardly.”[/color] [color=#656565]”Then was it something else? It can’t be! It has to be that circlet.”[/color] the hooded figure thought aloud. [color=#AA4069]”She lent it but might get it back after the trials are finished.”[/color] [color=#656565]”Charlotte, if that is the case. Could you be there when that thing gets returned to her? To see if you can find any changes in her behavior.”[/color] Charlotte sighed. [color=#AA4069]”I can’t guarantee it, but I can try.”[/color] the hooded figure nodded. [color=#656565]”That is all I can ask from a dear friend, thank you.”[/color] [color=#656565]”I think that concludes it for this time.”[/color] the figure began to hide among the shadows once more. [color=#656565]”Meet me whenever you know something new.”[/color] Charlotte saluted sloppily. [color=#AA4069]”You got it boss… but does it have to be this late at night every time we meet up?”[/color] [color=#656565]”Yes! It creates ambience. Now go, I must think about this revelation.”[/color] Charlotte began to leave the room. [color=#AA4069]”Whatever you say. I’ll see you in a couple days again.”[/color]