[quote=@Thunder999999] One of those waterparks with fancy slides, except they're all transparent barriers held up by Mr. Mimes. [/quote] Oh that's a good one!! Fun and terrifying. [@anothered] I'd be happy to throw something in our way to the Captains Quarters. Once [@InnerFlame] or Lord Gaz has had a chance to post - if you two still wanted. [quote=@Lord Orgasmo] I suddenly get the feeling that this boat isn't as up to OSHA standards as we think it is. [/quote] Lol built for beauty and that other thing boats do. Cruises today look like moving resorts. I have in the past watched YouTube videos about how different parts are run just out of curiosity. Compared to ferries and even freight ships, the sheer number of staff needed to run a cruise is like a small city. The enclosed waste management, power generation and meticulous food rationing, too, are pretty impressive. I'd imagine this is what running a passenger ship in space might be like.