[@Majoraa][@Izurich][@Ponn][@Vertigo][@vietmyke][@ERode][@Nakushita][@The World][@Nyxella] I lied. The character sheet is almost identical to the old one. Returning players will just need to be aware of some changes made to the glamor grades we're starting with. I'm not sure what everyone's schedule is like, but I'd like to start posting soon. Depending on how many character submissions we get and how quickly we get them, I'll likely drop the first IC post on the 14th or 21st, if not some time between there. So you have a week or so to get your character sheets up. If you need more than a single example character, you can look at the Symphony of Esper's (SoE) character tab for a list of accepted characters. Just mind that they were created to different specifications.