[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800920533151514644/1176681726261608558/image.png?ex=656fc141&is=655d4c41&hm=1a64a885d3afb66e3e65edab2d5094fff5f0ed81728713e08aaf1065805c8895&=&format=webp[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1158583197341335572/1180126850966626394/543c5a72-5491-46bb-ac13-e2d2c1f8b704.png?ex=657c49c6&is=6569d4c6&hm=211c710a9363c68aabca2ae4e0c3a63bb73817f8dea24a73d2feb4d5e6a0a3bb&=&format=webp&quality=lossless[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzWZ9dceWRQ&ab_channel=fratymusic[/youtube] Kill confirmed. It seemed someone had got to kill Victor before Eve did, she didn't even know if she was going to kill him in the first place. The whole battle royale was a mess, but in the end multiple people had died. Mostly from the wolfpack, but some other had been injured in the process of this debalce. Before she could realize what was going on (like where Victor's precious axe went) she was called upon by Judas and his fat mouth. Some things never changed and neither did him or the curs, but that mouthy bitch Elodie had racked her up for the kills of Skinner and Victor. Shit. The rebar wherever the fuck it came from flew towards Eve, who used cyromancy to freeze the rebar as well as put up a ice wall in their way in hopes to block the attack and bend the metal. She didn't stick around to fight the cabal, the pack or any other third party chump who wanted to take a piece of Eve's proverbial cigarette pack. Eve moved quickly, almost like she was skating she was! The cold ground beneath her formed black ice under neath her soles, she had practiced this with Weaver so many times but never got a hang of it. She picked up speed moving like an NHL hockey puck-chucker, she nervously called out to her hug-buddy Britney. "Fuck, we need to get out of here!" Eve exclaimed with a shaky voice, if she survived this she would have such hella street cred. Would she event want it?[/center]