[color=6ecff6][h2]❄Erika Olson❄[/h2][/color] [hider=Pokemon] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/d/d5/Spr_5b_478.png[/img] Sno, Froslass ♀ Level 19 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/cc/Spr_5b_345.png[/img] Eep, Lileep ♂ Level 18 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f1/Spr_5b_333.png[/img] Tara, Swablu ♀ Level 17 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/24/Spr_5b_256_m.png[/img] Chic, Combusken ♀ Level 18 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a1/Spr_5b_443_m.png[/img] Gibs, Gible ♂ Level 20 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2095125c07a8e145ba315ff111c6c050?rik=e%2fhOJ0IZbF3xOA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg4.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20140103174008%2fpokeminds%2fes%2fimages%2f1%2f18%2fInkay_XY.gif&ehk=X2JfTJheaaKOfXJrhvqjBxDDGT6CJQe4XJXh9x9B2f0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Kay, Inkay ♀ Level 16 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [color=007236][b]Treetop Badge[/b][/color] 12 Potion 14 Pokeballs 3 Repels 5 Great Balls 4 Antidote 4 Paralysis Heal 1 Escape Rope 3 Tanga Berries 2 Spelon Berries 3 Chesto Berries A Swanna Pail 1 Bug Gem 1 Jaw Fossil 1 Guide to Mt. Strength [b]TM-22[/b] Solar Beam [b]TM-66[/b] Payback 9908P | [color=ed1c24]-2400P[/color] [/hider][hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/nRM42Xs/7xz0m1u0sknb1-1.png[/img][/center] Erika wasn't sure how she had heard of it, possibly an advertisement or maybe a visiting trainer in Cooldome mentioned it before, but Makuno-Uchi was the place she sought to take everyone. It was a small, unassuming place that was nestled in the heart of the Entertainment District. If you weren't looking for the cute homemade banner of the owners, Takeshi and Hanae Kurosawa, then you'd likely never see the place as you walked past. Inside, the place seemed to have walls thick enough to silence the constant noise and activity outside. The whole place seemed homely and it was easy to become comfortable. They all sat down, ordered, and began eating. Conversation naturally flowed and each one of them recounted the others of how they've been making strides in their adventure. Erika felt a sting at the impressive flash of Maple's trainer card, knowing she had only the single badge so far. She was supposed to be the battler, but somehow, she didn't mind the delay when she really thought about it. Her adventure so far was fun and memorable. Then Erika's hometown came up, or rather the mountain she lived on, and she couldn't help but chime in. [color=6ecff6]"If you're going to Cooldome City, look my mother up! She helps all sorts of trainers before they try and trek up the mountain. It is famously difficult but that is part of the appeal, really."[/color] Erika realized she hadn't yet mentioned how her mother could help. [color=6ecff6]"If you go, she could help you find what you want on Mt. Chill and knows [i]all[/i] the Pokemon from the base to the summit! So if there is a Pokemon in particular she'd know where. Also nice to have her watch your back because it really can be scary when a blizzard rolls in."[/color] Erika had personal experience with that fact. She did get lost in one and shortly after, that was when her mom decided to be more of a direct help to trainers who would try to climb the summit. Her house was always open and the advice came free. Of course if you actually wanted to climb to the top, she wouldn't help you there as that would ruin the challenge for trainers. What she did a lot of the time was rescue in case a trainer did get lost or injured. [color=6ecff6]"She just won't help you climb to the summit, of course. But if you're not going to do that then I'm sure she'd love to help! Especially a friend of mine!"[/color] The topic of plan's made Erika think. What did she want to do next? It seemed like circling back around on the southern isle of Isson would be wise but Erika did feel an urge to trek and explore more of Isson. [color=6ecff6]"Redcoast, Highhill, Freecape and Raremine..."[/color] She muttered, before raising her head to add to the group, [color=6ecff6]"I also have to get the gym badges in these towns, but I am determined to head West out of Worldedge. After I'm done here, of course."[/color] Sno had brought rice cake her to face, musing about what was coming next, before taking a bite. She probably wanted to head South and make the climb up to Mt. Chill's summit since Erika seemed to rave about it all the time. That said, they did just come from a mountain and it would be nice to see a beach and maybe connect with her ghostly self a little more. If she could haunt someone, that would be great as an example~ With that said, Erika paid the bill, not wanting to hold anyone up from setting out. [color=6ecff6]"Well regardless of where everyone goes, keep in touch! I'm sure we will see each other again. I doubt I'll be heading to Mt. Chill until I know I can climb to the summit and not a moment before so good luck Ellyn and Maple. We'll see each other again, I'm sure."[/color] Erika said as she stuffed her all-in-one Pokedex back into her bag. She turned to Joshua and Ewan after that was done. [color=6ecff6]"Power plant and Bigfjord City. After I get done here, I can let you guys know but please don't feel like you have to wait up. Just let me know when you set out and I'll try to join as well."[/color] Then Erika considered Elana. [color=6ecff6]"Thanks for your help Elana! Maybe I'll come up with another adventure that I need help with. Like I always wondered what the Sunken City was like..."[/color] She teased that suggestion before getting up. Sno fluttered in behind her. [color=6ecff6]"Alright good luck everyone! Later"[/color] Erika and likely the group split for now unless there was something else. As Erika walked, with Sno flowing behind her, the hustling streets of the Entertainment District, an advertisement caught her eye. [center][quote]PokéMania! ~~Come Do Battle, With Rules Sure to Dazzle. Win our Prizes, They come in all Sizes~~[/quote][/center] [color=6ecff6]"Huh. Wanna go try it out, Sno?"[/color] Erika asked to Sno who nodded. [color=a187be]"Fross!"[/color] [hider=Erika's Action] Paid for food. Paid for Abra. Onwards to PokeMaina![/hider]