[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9VNc0PShCsBZTPLizLytdKicOWm18zBLbjSaekXYQmc/https/i.imgur.com/8FMvh2h.png?format=webp[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1177007458569424977/rumburak.png?ex=6570f09d&is=655e7b9d&hm=c11b4f1ccfb409d103f805b6d508371d626f69a375d515170c7c3f7453133268&=&format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] The Queen's Subjects [/right][right][b][code]DQ > St Portwell Downtown[/code][/b][/right][hr] Evelynn and Lila came at a bad time... The ability to see the future was not the ability to influence it, and change the outcomes to work out well. Under any other circumstances, he would've been happy to see others trickling in after the meeting. But Jack wasn't in the most social mood anymore. He expected better from Drake after all these years. They used to be better than this around each other, even if they constantly bitched back and forth; It was all in good fun. They felt like friends, but were they only friends when the world was at stake? They could all be dead at any moment, and now they couldn't help but spill blood. It didn't show on Jack's face, but the reunion was taking on toll on him now. This felt wrong, and the Void seemed more like home than St Portwell did, even back during the days when the Coven was all he had. Jack would have liked to tell himself that he wasn't the type to yearn, to long for a time that was never coming back. But he could not fool himself so easily. It seemed that self preservation was the only thing that had a chance of bringing them back together. Not even the prospect of better days. The shadow hands binding Drake disappeared, he could go now. [color=6644ff]"I wanted to think that we could be better than this, Drake. And I do, even now. For all that it's worth, I still think of you as a friend, and that is more important to me than holding a grudge against you. But you need to look inside yourself and ask if you can say the same of all of us. We've been reunited for less than a day, and this is the road we have all gone down,"[/color] Continuing to not let up on Drake, Jack's voice seemed heavy. More than people typically associated with the otherwise unbothered, Void-walking madman. He was disappointed, and felt regret in his choice to return to Shimmer. Maybe all those memories would be a bit sweeter otherwise. [color=6644ff]"I'm taking us there, now. You may feel dizzy for a moment, Sloane. Three... Two..."[/color] Shadows condensed under Drake's car, and jarred the ugly thing with a loud [i]thump.[/i] This caused the car to start blaring as if someone tried to break in, and at the same moment that everyone outside turned their heads to the noise, Jack and Sloane vanished from sight in the darkness. [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1192902474546298920/image.png?ex=65aac400&is=65984f00&hm=81ac98f8c5786883baa2679cd5a0f8dd918bd243e1984c657158799f66ef134a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=627&height=627[/img][/center] [color=6644ff]"One."[/color] To Sloane, it would've been like falling through a lightless pit, as the world around them both faded away to a place beyond their reach, only to fly back into perspective from the opposite direction. In a fraction of a second, they were no longer at the DQ. Rather, they were between two buildings, in an empty alleyway devoid of anyone who might've seen them. Jack was unable to feel is Sloane was still holding onto his hand, as the hand she was offered was just made of shadows, and had no nerves. Regardless, he kept his fingers closed for her sake. She was vulnerable at the moment, and it seemed to Jack that the physical contact (or technical lack thereof) was helping her work through it. [color=6644ff]"The hospital is five minutes away from here on foot. I thought you'd like a few minutes to get your thoughts in order, before interacting with more people."[/color] Jack was many things. Arrogant, powerful, prone to decade long bouts of wanderlust; Uncaring was not one of them. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LRt9Ofi.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] All the fuckers [/right][right][b][code]Veni Whatever the Fuck[/code][/b][/right][hr] She caught the damn shield with sand. Because of course she did. This Samson guy was denying the assumption that he was PRA, despite crashing out of the air while on fire, getting everyone's attention and talking through some sort of radio. Whatever, Stormy didn't particularly care if wanted to keep it a secret. It made sense, given what they did. Just as he was about to start battering Elodie with more shields, Stormy heard a voice. Elodie, Bianca, and everyone else in this fuckfest turned their attention to the rooftop. There stood a man flanked by paranormal animals. They were calling him "Judas," and saying Victor was dead too. Well, that was good at least. This was him, then. The "Father Wolf" they suspected, and the big dog of the Wolfpack. Immediately, he started attacking Eve with an abstraction that she countered. And then Eve started running. So did Sully, and Linqian... They were retreating. Alizee was dead, a child was shot in the skull, and the people who put a demigod to sleep were running. [i]Fine.[/i] Stormy wanted to shatter all of the Wolfpack bastards like fragile glass for hurting his people. He wanted to get even with them, not out of personal anger, but because these people had hurt the friends he grew up fighting monsters together. He wanted to give Judas a piece of his mind for [i]possibly[/i] being the Sycamore's killer. But he was a protector. Stormy couldn't protect people if there was no one standing around to protect. If they wanted to live to fight another day, then so be it. But he was still going to do his damnedest to keep them alive while they ran. Ducking down behind his shield again, he turned to Bianca and Samson. [color=00ff98]"If you're going to attack them, then just do it. See those people out there? I'm going to use my shields to make sure they don't get shot in the back of the head by these degenerates. I'll keep these shields up as much as I can, but if you're leaving too, then go [i]now.[/i] I can get you somewhere safe while your fellow [i]"police officers"[/i] deal with this."[/color] Stormy said to Bianca specifically, as he raised his hands up, forming a ball of green energy. [color=00ff98]"And stick near me if you want, I'm guessing those dogs are apparitions. I've got the kryptonite for those, right here."[/color] [color=00ff98]"That woman who they shot, she was better than the Wolfpack made her out to be. Do me a favor and don't let them get away after what they've done."[/color] His parting words to this Samson person. He stood, and renewed his Phantombane aura. Green energy arced up and down his body again, as Stormy dismissed various shields around the parking lot, which weren't being used. Replacing them were forcefields that followed behind the members of Greenwood and Sycamore who deemed it necessary to run. These shields would deflect gunshots and likely stop them from being impaled by the rebar from Judas' magic. And the beasts tailing him would have a hard time attacking him or Bianca, if she happened to be leaving with him. He hopped over his barricade and took off, following behind the fleeing party. Bianca's cover stayed, even if she didn't follow him. He wasn't about to leave her defenseless.