[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color][/h1][/CENTER] [color=CCCC22]"There are two pieces of gold here,"[/color] Jub interrupted Brutrumukk's thoughts, causing the [s]bugbear[/s] gnome's eyes to flick towards the goblin. [color=CCCC22]"We could split or you could have both of them instead. Considering you were the one who actually paid for that stuff, I'm content with you having the money."[/color] Jub's words brought a chuckle out of Brutrumukk, though it was a chuckle that sounded devoid of any genuine mirth. The herbs that Jub needed to resummon his familiar had been lost because of Brutrumukk's rash actions, and the goblin was trying to pay him for it? The knot in Brutrumukk's stomach tightened. [color=brown]"You can 'ave the gold."[/color] Brutrumukk said before rising to his feet and beginning to walk back up the board walk and towards D8. [color=brown]"C'mon. We still gotta find a boat."[/color]