[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]??? — Hunter's Lodge[/h3][/center] It wasn't long before a few of the others from the church appeared, carrying a bloodied villager with them. Anne recognized Sanae, with her distinctive green hair, as well as the horned woman, who looked far too much like a Chimera for her tastes. On the other hand, she'd clearly been helping out the townspeople, and nothing about her movements gave off any kind of hostile intent. [i]Under these circumstances, there's no choice but to trust her, whether I like it or not.[/i] Anne's eyes followed Sanae around the room, and watched with curiosity as she used another Paranormal Power to stabilize each of the injured in turn. Just what bloodline was she from, to have so many different abilities? She wanted to talk to the girl, find out more about what she could do—but with so many villagers still in dire states, now wasn't a good time to interrupt her focus. Instead, Anne slowly got to her feet and made her way over towards the horned woman. Unhurried, even a little reluctant about it, but she needed information. Once the other offworlder was in a position to glance her way, the Knight spoke up. "It looks like both of our groups were successful... Were there any casualties on our side?" She was fairly sure she'd seen Lily come in with the others and find a quiet spot to rest, but Lewa and Rayne were still unaccounted for. "The children are unharmed, but the Heralds were specifically looking for the girl. If she's their objective, we can expect they'll be back before long—" A commotion outside caught her attention. Unfamiliar voices, calling out across the village, one of them tense and aggressive. What the heck was happening [i]now?[/i] "...We should go and see what that is." She started towards the door, with more urgency now. The rest helped, it was a little easier to move around now, but she [i]really[/i] hoped she wouldn't have to fight again this soon. [@Raineh Daze]