[h2]Abdel Saqqaf Aziz[/h2] Magnetic: 0 Arcane: 6 Binding: 4 Chemical: 1 Kinetic: 4 Atomic: 0 Blood: 0 Temporal: 0 Dark: 0 Command: 0 Primordial: 0 [b]RAS:[/b] 8.33 [b]Mana:[/b] Fireblood [b]Fruit:[/b] Brandaeble [b]Consumable:[/b] Seagoat Cheese [b]Item:[/b] Burning Blade of the Paladin - This great silver scimitar glows with divine wrath, providing 24 manas and an effect whereby it will strike with an extra RAS and skill tier if used against unholy beings such as wildbloods, sanguinaires, and demons. It may also store energy from overdefenses to unleash offensively, up to a maximum of twelve. It will glow brighter when charged this way. [hr][hr] [h2]Tyrel'yrash'dichora[/h2] Magnetic: 1 Arcane: 2 Binding: 3 Chemical: 4 Kinetic: 6 Atomic: 4 Blood: 3 Temporal: 4 Dark: 4 Command: 0 Primordial: 0 [b]RAS:[/b] 8.99 [b]Base Health:[/b] 20 [b]Mana:[/b] Lifestealer, Godsblood [b]Fruit:[/b] Pomegranate (misfortune) - Tie the fates of the fruit bearer and their enemy together. Every time the bearer succeeds in meeting a threshold or a (d2), their enemy must roll their next one with disadvantage. Every time their enemy fails at a threshold or a (d2), the bearer gains advantage on their next roll of either of these types. [b]Consumable:[/b] Special Sauce on Puffchicken Eggs [b]Item:[/b] Tiara of the Fallen Goddess - enhances RAS tier when using kinetic spells by one. Flee can be used without giving up a turn. +32 manas. [b]Mobility Aid:[/b] Crutches of the One - One combo defense or attack can be made for free per scenario, out of turn sequence. Once per scenario, two rolls may be made during the same turn for a charged spell. +8 manas.