[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1170081630887612468/1170156549650534470/55db9d55763b87bfdfeb2a3ad496683c.png?ex=65580435&is=65458f35&hm=18273165adfdc1dddf6f8f1c88891b3ea57222883974fcfe4ac447f5df5ada1b&[/img][/center] [hr][h1]Inokashira Park[/h1][hr] Even to Miyuki's highly tuned reflexes, Satoshi's speed was unnatural. His roundhouse kick--did this past-middle-aged politician really have such martial arts skills?--slammed into her ribs like a baseball bat! Spittle flew from Miyuki's lips as the breath was driven from her lungs, and she tumbled across the stage floor like a ragdoll. Two more of the brainwashed crowd were coming at her, but she struggled to get up. She hacked and choked, trying desperately to get the oxygen she needed to move her aching body... Satoshi revealed a weapon of his own as he taunted the downed girl--but he'd forgotten about her demon. Lham Dearg's sword slashed across his back, parting the white robes and staining them with blood. The politician groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. Yet...he still moved?! The Lham Dearg narrowed his eyes and raised his blade again. This human had been empowered somehow, beyond merely having the ability to contract with Demons. They needed to finish him before any more of that power could be brought to bear! But Miyuki's shrill gasps reached his ear before the undead could bring down his bloodied steel. With an angry growl, he chose his mistress over ending the fight for good. The cultist with the bike chain whipped it above their head in wide circles, preparing to bring it down with all the built up momentum. Likewise, the one with the bat drew it back with both hands, aiming a home-run swing at Miyuki's blonde head-- "Critical Wave!" Even before he reached them, Lham Dearg's sword sliced horizontally through the air. A glowing shockwave of power was released from his blade--when the energy struck both humans in the back, they pitched forward! Both of them flew over Miyuki, and fell headfirst off the edge of the stage! "Arms 'boon yer heid, mah lassie!" Lham Dearg barked as he grabbed Miyuki by her hood and lifted her to her feet with one hand. Then, he reached behind his hip for his shield, and took up a defensive stance in front of his master as they saw Satoshi getting back to his feet. "He's pure tough, bit he bleeds! We wull win this rammy yit!" "Wh-why...is he s-so st-strong?" Miyuki coughed as her lungs finally started working again. "Is it...magic f-from his d-d-demons?" Her companion growled again. "Mayhaps...th' power o' th' whispers?" she heard Lham Dearg say. But it sounded like the Scotts-fae himself wasn't sure, either. Miyuki had no idea what a "whisper" was supposed to mean. Did he mean an actual whisper, like Satoshi was hearing voices or something? Or was it part of the demon's strange accent, referring to a different thing entirely? "Ye dunderheided gowk!" roared Lham Dearg at Satoshi, banging his sword against his shield. "Coupon me alone! Or urr ye a mere feartie-cat!?" The demonic soldier used his shield to hide both his swordhand, and Miyuki standing behind him, from Satoshi's sight. But, step by step, he drew a little closer to the politician...it seemed clear he had a plan, but what direction would that sword come from? Its blade had already wounded Satoshi once--was he in the mood to take another?