[hr] [center][i]Inspired by the Castlevania franchise and the Dnd campaign Ravenloft[/i] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/4e/18/5e4e18c81ea220c396bd58388c4a5685.jpg[/img] [i][h2][color=ed1c24]~"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make."~[/color][/h2] -Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897)[/i] https://youtu.be/G57_wY83YmY?feature=shared [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231230/f935029f8e81d80402020b3138347732.png[/img] [hr][/center] [center] Ages ago, in a land far beyond a vast forest, surrounded by majestic mountains and lush, verdant meadows, a land known as Gransylva, there lived a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/81/f4/82/81f482c5f6696e168ca04fc8016cef0f.jpg]king[/url], young but wise for his age. He was a warrior of great prowess in both sword and magic, strong in his sense of justice yet fair and benevolent to his people. The king was betrothed to a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4f/23/08/4f230852bfe2f09e69c89bc774de90ef.jpg]queen[/url], a woman of unparalleled beauty and grace, who had come from a faraway land to marry the king at the behest of her family. Despite the nature of their matrimony, however, the king and queen were madly in love with each other. The young king valued his beloved bride far beyond that of silver and gold. Sadly, their time together would not last... A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/47/c9/f747c92101bf5de120ae3d845051f278.jpg]vast army[/url] from the north swept across the realm like a plague, conquering kingdom after kingdom, trampling the ground beneath their armored masses and leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake. It was not long before they had reached the gilded lands of Gransylva. The king, knowing well the threat this army brought to his homeland and his people, set off at once rallying his knights to arms. Under a crimson banner, the king and his men fought back against the insurmountable army. Swords clashed and shields shattered. Bodies were left piled in the once green fields, now scarred by the flames of war. Rivers and streams ran red with dead men's blood. Despite the bravery of his men to push forward, all hope was seemingly lost for the king. It would not be long before this army, this conquering mass of men and beasts, would be at the doorstep of his castle. He had thought of his beloved queen, ill imaginings of what these monsters would do to her if they got their hands upon her. [color=ed1c24]"No!"[/color] He vowed in anger. [color=ed1c24]"I will not let my kingdom fall to these monsters! I will not let them take my beloved bride!"[/color] Unfortunately, the king knew his power alone would not be enough to stop the invasion. And so...a deal was brokered. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ee/91/41/ee9141026a55c7b28a3b039352c00a3f.png[/img] Tales had spread throughout Gransylva of a certain individual who lived alone in a crumbling mausoleum, sequestered in an ancient cemetery. This person, more beast than man, was said to possess great and terrible power, but he would only bestow such power for a price. And so, on the eve of the final battle, the king ventured to the cemetery alone. Aided by the dim light of a flickering torch, he descended the stone steps, deeper into the darkness, until he was surrounded by nothing but pitch black. Two crimson eyes gazed at him from beyond the veil of shadows, glowing like embers from the fires of Hell. [b][i]"You have come seeking that which I possess, correct?"[/i][/b] Said a low, raspy voice. Before the king could draw his sword, the figure flew at him. Long, steely fingers ending in sharp nails wrapped around his neck as his fearful eyes beheld the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/24/32/7e/24327e15e66f45579dedb77b547266d4.jpg]monster[/url] that seized him. His face was gaunt and pale, withered with old age, yet his eyes burned intensely. Long, stringy strands of snow-white hair spilled over his bony shoulders, an almost skeletal figure garbed in tattered black robes. [b][i]"Well, have you?"[/i][/b] The creature hissed tightening his grip on the king. [b][i]"Or have you come seeking your death, boy? Which is it?"[/i][/b] The king grimaced as he was drawn closer to the ancient being, his foul breath assaulting the young man's nostrils. [color=ed1c24]"I-I have come seeking your power!"[/color] The king managed to utter. The creature released him, dropping him to the ground. [color=ed1c24]"My kingdom is in peril. A force far greater than I sweeps through this land, consuming all in its path."[/color] The king resumed. [color=ed1c24]"I need your strength. Will you give it to me willingly? Or..."[/color] From his scabbard he drew his sword, staring down the beast defiantly. [color=ed1c24]"Must I take it from you?!"[/color] [b][i]"Ha!"[/i][/b] The pale creature laughed. With a mere wave of his hand, the young king was thrown backward, smashing into the wall behind him. Again and again, he was tossed around the room, like a child's doll, nary a finger of the beast laid upon him. After a while, the creature finished toying with the king and sent him skittering across the ground, his laughter echoing throughout the mausoleum. The king staggered to his feet, both mesmerized and terrified by the beast's awesome power. [b][i]"Such power I can give you, O king."[/i][/b] The beast mockingly replied. [b][i]"But you must give me something in return."[/i][/b] [color=ed1c24]"Then name your price!"[/color] Shouted the king. [color=ed1c24]"What is it you want from me? I will gladly offer it to save my kingdom!"[/color] The creature grinned ever so widely, revealing to the king long, sharp canines glinting like daggers in his mouth. In seconds, the beast was upon him, clutching him firmly and preventing his escape. [b][i]"Hold still."[/i][/b] He snickered. [b][i]"This may hurt... a lot."[/i][/b] The king recoiled in horror, [color=ed1c24]"God help me! What are you?!"[/color] Without another word, the beast plunged his fangs into the king's neck. Shockwaves of pain emanated through his body, causing him to scream into the dark. His heart pounded against his ribcage, threatening to burst from his chest. Thoughts of killing this horrific creature raced in his mind, alas, the king could not escape his terrible grasp. Even so, with the speed he moved, the king would not be able to reach his sword in time. A moment or so passed before the creature had drunk his fill and released the young king, letting him crumble to the floor in a heap. The king grasped his neck, writhing in unspeakable agony. His body was numb, yet the two tiny holes in his neck pulsed with unrelenting torment. The creature left him soon after, disappearing into the darkness, his wicked laughter trailing behind. The king's vision faded. Slowly, he drifted away into unconsciousness. The last image in his mind, forever burned into his memory, was that of the horrible creature and his gleaming red eyes. A few days passed before he was discovered by his men and taken back to the castle. The king awoke in his bed-chamber, lying in a cold, damp sweat. At first, he thought he just had a terrible dream, but as he felt his neck, a chilling realization filled his heart with dread. He was indeed bitten, and what's more, something was changing inside of him. His once shimmering blue eyes had become crimson red...just like the beast who bestowed his "gift" upon him. His canines had grown long and pointed past his pale lips. He was much stronger than before, even faster. His magic had grown more powerful than he could ever imagine, literally feeling the energy surging through his veins. This power...it was unlike anything he had ever felt. Alas, it had come at a deadly cost. The day had come. The king and his men set out on what would be their last stand against the invading forces. The queen, with tears in her eyes, begged her beloved king not to go. She knew only death would lay in store for her husband. The young king, however, took her into his arms, embracing her for dear life. [color=ed1c24]"Worry you not, my love."[/color] He whispered, tenderly kissing her soft, rosy lips. [color=ed1c24]"I will return to you victorious. I will drive these bastards from our land, and together, you and I shall live in peace...forever."[/color] As he looked at his wife though, something felt...off about him...an overwhelming urge to bite her frail neck. The feeling was gnawing at him so much, he had to pull himself away from her. As he donned his helm and mounted his horse, he could hear the desperate pleas of his bride echoing through the halls, her woeful sobs lodging a deep pain in his heart. Nevertheless, the king spurred his mighty steed onward, leading a battalion of his finest warriors into the jaws of death once again. The battle was bloody and vicious. Screams filled the air as the armies clashed with one another, blood spilling and limbs flying. The king's [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c6/34/a9/c634a9f1ff85b60fd0795f0cdb772bdd.jpg]fury[/url] was unmatched. Like a storm, he descended upon whole groups of men decimating them, his eyes burning with madness, his blade and armor dyed with blood. With a wave of his sword, he sent entire ranks flying into the air. Hellfire flew from his fingertips, engulfing his enemies and burning them alive while swarms of bats harried the remaining forces. The king's men stood awestruck. The enemy was devastated by this unnatural force. So terrifying was this new power the king possessed. Then...it happened... In an act so horrific, so stomach churning to his knights, the king grabbed one of the men who was trying to escape, a young squire scared out of his wits, begging for his life. With one hand, the king tore open the boy's chest, ripping out his still-beating heart. He crushed the quivering piece of meat in his hand, squeezing every last drop of blood into his gaping jaws. The knights were disgusted, their faces ashen and frozen in horror. Their frightened stares troubled the king. [color=ed1c24]"What is with you fools?!"[/color] He barked, spitting blood and bits of flesh. [color=ed1c24]"Don't you see we have won?! The enemy is no more! Gransylva is saved! I, your king, have slaughtered our foes and attained victory!"[/color] [b]"So you have, M'lord."[/b] Said one of the knights bitterly, glaring at the king as he drew his sword. [b]"But Gransylva will not serve under a goddamn vampire!"[/b] In an instant, all of his men turned on him, drawing their weapons and charging forth. The king stood taken aback. What did they call him, he thought. His bewilderment soon became anger as mercilessly he cut down every single knight that came at him. When he was finished, he stood over the bodies of his warriors, frightened and ashamed. Brave men who once followed him into the bloodiest of battles...now turned against him in fear of what he had become. They were not the only ones either... Soon after, the king raced back to the castle. He tore through the main hall and climbed the steps up to the castle keep, where the queen awaited his return. He threw open the doors, taking her by surprise. [i]"My king! You've come back to me!"[/i] She shouted elated, her elegant gown flowing as she turned to face him, her lovely porcelain face beaming ever so brightly, but then...her smile faded as her eyes fell upon her blood-soaked husband, eyes widening in dismay. [color=ed1c24]"My love, what is wrong with you?"[/color] The king's brow furrowed. [color=ed1c24]"It is I, your husband. I have returned, just as I had promised. Do you not recognize me, my darling?"[/color] Slowly, he approached her, but with every step he took forward, she backed away. He reached out to touch her. She screamed reeling away, [i]"No! Stay away from me! What are you?!"[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Lamica! Don't be foolish, woman!"[/color] Shouted the king. [color=ed1c24]"It's me, Matthias! Look at me!"[/color] [i]"No!"[/i] Cried the queen, frantically trying to escape him. [i]"You're not my husband! You're...oh God, I don't even know what you are!"[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Lamica, I beg you!"[/color] The king angrily sobbed. To both his and the queen's dread, his tears had become blood, red and viscous, flowing down his deathly pale cheeks. [color=ed1c24]"Do not forsake me! Please, come to me!"[/color] Once more he reached out to grab her. The queen, panicking, shoved him away, [i]"No! Leave me alone!! NO!!"[/i] In an instant, her foot slipped out from under her. She stumbled backward...and fell out of the open window. [color=ed1c24]"LAMICA!!"[/color] King Matthias screamed. In a frenzy, he ran down the steps and out to the castle courtyard....where his beloved queen lay in a pool of her blood. The king collapsed to his knees beside her, his very heart torn into pieces. With trembling hands, he picked up her lifeless, broken body, cradling it in his arms as he wept. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fa/8d/22/fa8d223e717d77eb5c18f9c397e7946d.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24]"Why, Lamica? Why would you do this to me?"[/color] Matthias whimpered. By that time, a crowd of onlookers had gathered around him, mostly the commoners and servants of the castle. They looked upon their king with a mixture of sadness and revile. [b]"My God! The king, he's...he's a vampire!"[/b] [b]"We must purge ourselves of this unholy beast!"[/b] [b]"Someone hurry! Go get the priests!"[/b] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/aa/62/41/aa6241dba8197c6a539b078d018d9670.jpg[/img] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jt0iW8JisA The king...in that final moment, he was broken. All had turned against him, his knights, his queen, and now his loyal subjects. Slowly he rose to his feet and turned around, staring at the crowd with unbridled hatred. [color=ed1c24]"So...even you think I am a monster! Is that it?"[/color] Matthias snarled through his clenched fangs, his blood-red eyes flashing dangerously. [color=ed1c24]"I, your king, the one who sacrificed all to save this land, the one who gave everything...EVERYTHING to save you...and YOU have the GALL to call me a monster! Then so be it!"[/color] The skies above him turned dark as night in an instant, lightning flashing and thunder growling all around. The crowd stirred, frozen in fear of the vampire's unholy power. [color=ed1c24]"If a monster is what you think I am....then a monster I shall become! I have no more love to give you! All you shall receive in return...is [b]DEATH![/b]"[/color] Suddenly, the ground tore open beneath them, belching flames and thick black clouds of smoke. A horrible screeching filled the air as hundreds of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ff/a7/96/ffa796c81d5bb7d1fdee5b15d220eae1.jpg]bat-winged demons[/url] spilled out the fiery chasm, descending upon the terrified crowd. The villagers fled, but it was too late as the monsters ripped them all to shreds. Matthias looked on as the slaughter continued. Even as his loyal subjects were being butchered by these hell beasts, he showed no remorse. [color=ed1c24]"Kill them all!"[/color] He commanded. [color=ed1c24]"Men, women, children, the old and the young, they will all be subject to my wrath! Do not rest until your bellies are full with their flesh! Then, when you have turned this place into a graveyard, go out and kill even more! Kill in the name of your king!"[/color] And so it was, the legend of the Vampire King was born, a king who sacrificed everything to save his land...becoming the very darkness his people feared. Gone was his love, his compassion, his humanity, now replaced with bitterness and hate. As the years waned on, the skies over Gransylva had darkened, choking out the light of the sun. The king's corruption seeped from beyond the walls of his castle, looming as an ominous shadow across the land. The once fertile soil had become barren. Lush, green forests had turned into withered masses of gnarled, dead trees. The once shimmering lakes and rivers have either dried up or frozen solid. Those that remain in Gransylva, the "Dead Kingdom" as it is now called, live in fear of their Vampire King, a cruel beast who will not hesitate to destroy them should they disobey. While they suffer in poverty, disease, and starvation, the king remains locked away in his castle, uncaring of their plight. None dare to venture to the castle, for fear of invoking his wrath once more.[/center] [hr] [center]That is where you come in. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/60/28/74/602874bd5ff575720728dfddcec37d81.jpg[/img] You and a band of other adventurers have come to Gransylva, whether it be seeking fame, fortune, or other personal desires. Nevertheless, you find yourself in a hostile land teeming with monsters, demons, and undead abominations, ruled by the cruel and powerful Vampire King: [b][color=ed1c24]Matthias Von Drakovich[/color][/b]. You must work together if you wish to survive in this unforgiving place and bring an end to the curse that plagues Gransylva. You will face many adversities on your journey, from deep, treacherous forests, haunted crypts and graveyards, dark caverns, frozen lakes and icy rivers, and tall, jagged mountains, all teeming with vicious beasts and horrific monstrosities. You'll discover powerful artifacts and treasures to aid you in your quest, but beware, as some of these artifacts may come with a deadly curse of their own. At last, there is the ever-looming threat of the Vampire King, who is well aware of your presence in his domain and is not all that pleased. He will stop at nothing to annihilate you and your companions, unless you are willing to swear fealty to him and turn against the forces of good forever. So...will you? Will you betray all that is good in this world? Will you step away from the light and descend further into the darkness? Will you become a force for evil just as Von Drakovich has? Or...will you rebuke the Vampire King's temptations and stand against him in the name of justice, glory, and the light? Will you bring the light back to Gransylva, freeing the land from evil's grasp? One thing is for certain: Alone, you will not survive. Time is of the essence. Every moment you dawdle, the darkness is rising. Gather your gear and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime as you cross the threshold between light and dark, good and evil, and enter... [b][h2][color=ed1c24]-THE DARK REALM-[/color][/h2][/b] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/79/99/227999bb27c03f281915a65db2107aea.png[/img] [i][b]"The Darkness calls out to you, beckoning you to step forward..."[/b][/i][/center] [hr] Before we begin our descent into this gothic realm, however, let's go over a few things first. [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/08d2ae461594c5f5457d1cf7603ff4a4.png[/img] More or less, just the basic RP rules: -All players must first apply by posting a CS in the character tab before posting IC. Characters must be approved by the GM beforehand. -One-liners will NOT be accepted. However, a paragraph or two is acceptable. -No fighting in the OOC, seriously. -No overpowered or immortal characters. Despite how skilled or well-trained your character may be, you're still going to take hits, especially in battle. So no metagaming, godmodding, etc. -No killing other players' characters without the player's consent to do so. Also, be sure to notify the GM of such events. -Romance is allowed, even encouraged, but keep it tasteful and PG-13 for the thread. Anything past that, you take it to the PMs. -Feel free to drop out anytime if you need to or just lose interest. It happens. Just make sure you let me or the CO-GM know via thread or PM. [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/e66d4b14edb73dfece4556ed900c16e2.png[/img] [url=https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/126942-rp-fighting-guide/]surprisingly helpful guide[/url] Now that we got that out of the way, let's get to the nitty gritty. [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/d0ac7a2305c39119cd2ae86702c05273.png[/img] [hider=List of Classes] [hider=Hunter] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/84/90/b4/8490b44c0835b320b12c882a21b3fbda.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/56e6df550a9d8d6b7c19c02916f9ecd5.png[/img] Hunters are the most agile of warriors, favoring quick footwork and dexterity over a heavy defense. They favor light armor such as leather over much heavier plate armor and tend to use lighter weapons like rapiers, sabers, shortswords, and whips. Hunters are also skilled in the use of crossbows and throwing weapons such as knives or hatchets. While some hunters see killing monsters as a way to get rich, other hunters use their skills to protect the innocent. [/hider] [hider=Cleric] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4d/b4/e1/4db4e1bb587be76dc483bc43f6002735.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/374cace1dab22d6b1c70cf0503589f45.png[/img] Clerics are holy warriors often in service to a patron divine and/or belonging to a religious order. They are clad from head to toe in heavy plate armor, emblazoned with the sigil of their faith, and wield heavy blunt weapons such as war hammers and maces to crush the unholy under the weight of their god(s). As soldiers of the divine, Clerics are highly adept in the use of holy magic or "miracles" as they proclaim. These include summoning fields of protection, banishing undead, exorcising demons, healing, dispelling curses, and curing diseases. Since all clerics favor heavy armor, they move much slower in combat but have a higher defense than any other class.[/hider] [hider=Rogue] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b6/3f/24/b63f247b239586b0c7c70f8aa93b3fe6.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/3000fbac5c19ea80a902cdcfced11599.png[/img] Cutpurse, thief, whatever you wish to call them. The rogue is the most cunning, swift, and agile of the classes. They are experts in picking both locks and pockets and know how to slip past even the most alert set of eyes without a trace of their existence. Alas, what they make up for in speed, they lack in power. Rogues are quite fond of much smaller, more concealable blades, such as dirks, daggers, and stilettos, and tend to wear little to no armor at all, making them quick on their feet but more susceptible to physical damage.[/hider] [hider=Witch] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/3e/8e/8f3e8ee7c6d7d3812e93aaac218b19c2.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/164587aa8b0bbad2b3473886dd7bab49.png[/img] The witch, or warlock for the male variant, is a mystical being born of a supernatural bloodline. Steeped in magical knowledge stretching back as far as eons, witches are astute in the arcane arts and can cast powerful elemental destruction spells such as fireball or lightning or debilitate their foes with curses. Often, witches channel their power through a magical stave or an enchanted spellbook and are accompanied by a familiar of their choice. While some witches form pacts with demons or eldritch beings to further their power, thus becoming champions of evil, others oppose the dark forces and use their power for the good of all. However, despite having benevolent intentions, witches are at odds with the religiously affiliated, especially clerics and inquisitors.[/hider] [hider=Hexblade] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c1/d6/de/c1d6def49c01cb0389cfbbe02ed4508e.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/a211924be49f7b1954a04fd64aa22b4b.png[/img] The hexblade is the perfect medium between martial and magical prowess, using spells to augment their abilities in combat. Much like the hunter, they favor quick footwork over a heavy defense. Therefore, they prefer armor that doesn't slow them down and/or impede their ability to cast spells. They are proficient with longswords and arming swords and can use a variety of other bladed weapons. Similar to the witch, a hexblade can cast curses on their enemies to impede them as well as use spells to increase either their speed or bolster their defense against both physical and magical damage.[/hider] [hider=Archer] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9d/37/d5/9d37d5efa842fb601da0b8fa6af1e17c.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/74d3fa5b50dc2ba3b441728ae693fa53.png[/img] Swift, silent, and accurate, the archer is a foe never to be trifled with in the dark of the woods. Skilled in all manner of ranged weapons, the archer is always on target and eliminates their foes in the blink of an eye. Similar to the rogue, they are fond of light armor but prefer to take their enemies out from afar with bows and throwing knives. They're not too shabby either at close quarters, often resorting to the shortsword or dagger at their side when they have run their quivers dry.[/hider] [hider=Barbarian] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/83/03/f883034ce5c49193c243706586f7bdd8.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/b7bd9dadd768c6164b67390a284836f4.png[/img] The barbarian is a brave, reckless, and hearty adventurer, wearing little to no armor and favoring brute strength and a powerful offense over a solid defense. Unlike the hunter or the cleric, the barbarian foregoes martial training, instead tapping into their primal rage to make them stronger, faster, and more resilient to attacks from enemies. Due to their immense strength, they like to wield heavier, more cumbersome weapons such as greatswords, battle axes, and war clubs. Constant exposure to danger also gives barbarians a sort of "sixth sense," a preternatural ability to sense danger and dodge attacks, and their running stamina is legendary. When disarmed, barbians will often resort to using their bare hands to crush their enemies.[/hider] [hider=Necromancer] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9d/c4/0a/9dc40acc7d85745ae674ee8bcdec0538.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/d78d6db3cfd8134dc6e335dce5079f85.png[/img] The masters of death magic, necromancers can raise fallen corpses, summon undead creatures and otherworldly spirits to do their bidding, and leech off the life energy of their foes to heal themselves. Necromancers are often reviled due to their affinity for dark, forbidden magics. As such, they tend to become the targets of clerics or anyone else affiliated with religious organizations. They also tend to live on the fringes of society, far away from the prying eyes of anyone who may judge them and/or kill them.[/hider] [hider=Bard] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7a/94/29/7a9429528d6f53949389ffad84e15a65.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/3defb92c33232e7a487d24326302ed0d.png[/img] The bard is a charming and charismatic figure, a swashbuckling musician and storyteller who loves to accompany other adventurers and witness their heroic (or villainous) deeds firsthand. More of a diplomat than a warrior, bards rely on their tongues to get themselves out of sticky situations, but they are skilled with a rapier or other light blade. As musicians by trade, bards are equipped with a musical instrument of their choosing. Often, these instruments are charmed with special magics that can bolster them and their allies, depending on the type of song they play. Likewise, bards can use their musical skills to charm or pacify enemies. Bards also have an extensive knowledge of lore. [/hider] [hider=Inquisitor] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d7/50/23/d7502376271bfc3a229a9b441e397481.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/c45c4e5459b2e0ff68cd7b06485cce41.png[/img] Grim and determined, the inquisitor roots out enemies of the faith using unscrupulous tactics when righteousness and purity are not enough. Although inquisitors are dedicated to a deity, they are above many of the normal rules and conventions of the church. Often, inquisitors are part of sects that operate on behalf of the church but are separate from it. They answer to their deity and their sense of justice alone and are willing to take extreme measures to meet their goals. Inquisitors tend to move from place to place, chasing down enemies and researching emerging threats. As a result, they often travel with others, if for no other reason than to mask their presence. Inquisitors work with members of their faith whenever possible, but even such allies are not above suspicion.[/hider] [/hider] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/75c2e43034a6545428d2193d74f699f9.png[/img] [hider=List of Races] [hider=Humans] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4d/01/5e/4d015e511f56bf4a1b4b52e4eecc4255.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/eda54921a26df4a6acc0713cb542692a.png[/img] Humans make up a majority of the population of Gransylva. So large is the human population that many of them only know of other races through rumor or legend. As such, many humans are superstitious and fearful of other races. Humans fill every niche in society and represent a wide spectrum of cultures and ethnic groups. Every human holds the potential to perform good or commit great evil and can choose which path to follow. They are the masters of their fate; it is both their greatest strength and their most fatal flaw.[/hider] [hider=Calibans] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e2/9a/67/e29a67bbaa0c76b6415b10103a12729e.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/7ca6f62127e830e08e5defed2e1de606.png[/img] Thankfully rare, calibans are twisted humans exposed to curses or foul magic while still in the womb. The birth of a caliban in a community is often seen as a sure sign of the presence of witchcraft. Calibans are physically powerful but misshapen humanoids. No two calibans look alike, but common deformities include twisted backs or limbs, asymmetrical features, bristly skin, or tusk-like teeth. They are widely considered brutish, savage creatures. In truth, many calibans *are* simple-minded, petty brutes, but this is often the product of their upbringing. Rejected as monsters, most calibans spend their lives hidden in dank cellars or flee civilization to roam the wilds.[/hider] [hider=Dwarves] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/36/29/17/362917955bb3b944115fab2b1b70d575.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/e3a62260e8a0e3f7604a9f08923081ab.png[/img] Dwarves are a stout and avaricious race, fond of gold and other precious metals. Their mines are always run efficiently and make high profits. They also favor a strong drink, although this often makes them argumentative and brings about disputes and brawls. The mindset of a dwarf centers on two things, family and the forge. They are grim and quiet and speak only when situations demand it. They have no time for idle chatter. They work hard and cannot abide laziness. Their craftsmanship, however, is often given the highest of praises.[/hider] [hider=Elves] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/72/86/51/728651be193056969bb97d100a2535c8.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/61cf05273ea69eef529578d8ae4a911a.png[/img] The "fair folk," as elves are often called, have elegant, honed features. Perhaps their most notable characteristics are their pointed ears, the distinctly almond shape of their eyes, and the angular brows that slant across their high foreheads. They are much more slender than humans and stand somewhat shorter. Elves remain reclusive folk, who do their best to keep their cities hidden from the prying eyes of men and monsters. While they may seem to be as rare as dwarves or the other demi-human races, this may not be the case. The reclusive nature of elves suggests the possibility of elf villages--perhaps even cities -- so well camouflaged that mankind has never discovered them. The elves are well aware of the prejudice that most humans carry toward anything unusual or exotic. For that reason, they only reluctantly make their presence known and seldom seek the companionship of humans. However, on occasions, elves will stray from their cloistered homes to find a human mate.[/hider] [hider=Half-Elves] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1f/0b/24/1f0b245019b916be498fefb6c0a8c775.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/b245e7973ca292a075d4dd33a3f3defe.png[/img] Half-elves are the product of rare love affairs between elves and humans. Although most half-elves inherit most traits from their human parents, they often retain faint elven traits: pointed ears, angular features, and high brows. They have no communities of their own and tend to adopt the prevailing human fashions of their homeland. Forced into the life of an outsider, though not reviled like calibans, half-elves often pride themselves on their iconoclastic nature. Many pour their alienation and anguish into artistic pursuits, becoming musicians or wandering bards.[/hider] [hider=Dhampir] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/30/7b/4c/307b4c75dc557fe0abc374da8be0d27a.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/c3f129f92e5846d416b8f99e917c6a19.png[/img] Born of the unholy union of a human and a vampire, and always under mysterious circumstances, dhampir come into the world infused with undead power but very much alive. Straddling the line between the living and the undead, their mystical relation gives them strong resiliences against poison and necromantic energies. While the sun is not as offensive to Dhampirs as it is to their vampire antecendents, dhampirs nevertheless prefer the darkness of night over the harsh glare of the day. This aversion to sunlight usually leads the superstitious and uninformed to assume they are full-blooded vampires. As such, Dhampir are hated by humans and vampires alike. Similar to vampires, however, due to their sacrilegious nature, Dhampir are affected by holy magics and artifacts. [/hider] [hider=Beastkin] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/95/c3/f2/95c3f22fecbbbd9d4a81a9a50786d06c.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/c3f129f92e5846d416b8f99e917c6a19.png[/img] Descended from lycanthropes, beastkin are humanoid in shape and stand on two legs. However, their faces and bodies primarily contain animalistic features such as wide, flat noses, large, expressive eyes, thick eyebrows, pointed ears, long, sharp canines, fur growing all over their arms and legs, and clawlike fingers and toes. They often move in a crouched posture, leaping and springing while their other companions walk normally alongside. The personality and behavior of a beastkin is often influenced by their animal nature. Many are boorish and crude while others are quiet, shifty, and solitary. Just like their lyancanthropic parents, beastkin are carnivorous predators and think of most activities in terms of hunter and prey. Likewise, beastkin have an incredibly hightened sense of smell and hearing and view survival as a challenge, striving to become self-reliant, resourceful and adaptable in situations. [/hider] [hider=Tiefling] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e5/76/b6/e576b6c8126c6fc6c73d1be1b1b88fd8.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/938a9ec148241557fc5fbf10bb16165e.png[/img] Simultaneously more or less than mortal, tieflings are the offspring of humans and demons. Therefore, tieflings are often shunned and despised out of reactionary fear. Tieflings rarely, if ever, create their own settlements or holdings. Instead, they live on the fringes of the land where they were born or choose to settle. Most societies view Tieflings as cursed since they are of demonic heritage. Despite their fiendish appearance and hellish origins, most tieflings do not embrace their dark heritage and side with evil forces. Instead, they strive to do good to be accepted more by those who show prejudice and disdain towards them. However, there are a few among them who give in to their dark temptations. Mostly, these are tieflings who are fed up with the constant ostracism and lash out.[/hider] [hider=Dragonborn] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/b0/10/0bb010951469e751ec078b844c25e3d2.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/0fc9ad2144a8ae03343eb5496bd8423c.png[/img] Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect in humanoid form with a long spiky tail, though they lack wings. Their scales are usually brass or bronze in color, sometimes ranging to scarlet, rust, gold, or copper-green. They are tall and strongly built, often standing close to 6½ feet tall and weighing 300 pounds or more. Their hands and feet are strong, talonlike claws with three fingers and a thumb on each hand. Born of dragons, as their name proclaims, the dragonborn walk proudly through a world that greets them with fearful incomprehension. Shaped by draconic gods or the dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids. Like their dragon ancestors, they can speak in draconic tongues, using the power of their voice to project powerful magics, and their hardened scales give them strong resistance against physical attacks.[/hider] [hider=Undead] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/69/14/92/69149229a8fbf0d66cba064760934a92.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/cf2ed53b8864d7da6de71f5735c5215e.png[/img] Undead are once-living creatures brought to a horrifying state of undeath through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse. Undead include walking corpses, such as zombies and skeletons, as well as bodiless spirits such as ghosts. Undead are not a single race of creatures, although they are often treated as such. Almost any dead creature can, by a sufficiently skilled necromancer or curse, be reanimated and rise again. Undead are for the most part unnatural but mindless constructs, obeying whoever created them without question or thought. However, rarely, there are undead who operate of their own free will.[/hider] [/hider] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231231/7d20f643e7710b382444a3661929515e.png[/img] [hider=The Character Sheet] (We apologize for this inconvenience. The current Character Sheet is under renovation due to grievances with certain offended parties. Also, the offender, one Vlad Tepes of Transylvania, is currently being punished by having his face smacked with a plastic whiffle ball bat repeatedly. A replacement CS will be posted sometime in the immediate future. Until then, we have established a temporary replacement. Those who wish to participate in this roleplay, please fill out the form with the required information below. Thank you and Godspeed. -the Transylvania Legal Department) [b]Appearance: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Class: Skills: Equipment Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Backstory: Other:[/b] [/hider] [i][h2][u]IMPORTANT![/u][/h2][/i] If you have already posted your CS in the interest check [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/191662-enter-the-dark-realm-a-castlevania-gothic-fantasy-inspired-dungeon-craw/ooc]here[/url], then you are already accepted and can begin posting IC after you post your CS in the CHAR tab. If not, please post your CS here in the OOC for review. Once your CS is approved, you can begin posting IC. If you have any ideas for races or classes you would like to add, feel free to ask. If approved, they will be added to their respective menus above.