[hider Kharne][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4b/50/3a/4b503a5821fe887dc449eb93858f6793.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]I'm gonna break your snoz and it'll be funny.[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kharne [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Dragonborn [b]Class:[/b] Barbarian [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Family (optional):[/b] (Who was your family? What did they do? Are they still alive or dead?) [b]Equipment:[/b][list] [*] Steel Kanabo - A solid rod of steel five feet long and tapering from the end down to a leather covered grip. The studs on each side of the octagonal weapon were made from brass. At the end of the grip it widened out into a ring that could fit his hand. [*] Armored Kilt - Over his loose patched pants was a series of small metal plates, potentially steel, sewn into what could only be called a kilt. [*] Meat Snacks - A satchel of wax coated canvas holding dried and preserves meats from various animals. Roughly ten pounds of the meaty nuggety goodness. [*] Waterskin - A simple leather waterskin holding whatever it is he drinks. Water? Booze? Blood of his enemies? If he shares you'll find out. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b][list] [*] Bludgeoneer - While he prefers his kanabo he can use pretty much any bludgeon except the most outlandish ones. Few require edge alignment to be effective, but he can use them with ease borderline second nature. [*] Hunter - With his enhanced draconic senses he is a surprisingly capable hunter given his size and bulk. Succeeding more than failing for any ground-bound game he goes for. [*] Hand to Hand - The first thing he remembers learning was how to fight and defend himself with his hands and body. Since he had sharp claws on each fingertip and thick spikes on his elbows. His style of fighting was quite bestial in comparison to normal humanoid races and he was a master of fighting in this manner. [*] Carving - He has become quite good at carving wood of various sizes and densities. His claws were more nimble than a blade he felt and it showed in the detailed work he did. A nice hobby to have that brings him some money. [*] Swimming - The big man enjoys swimming, a vital thing to know where he came from. He was also exceptional at diving, able to hold his breath for long periods of time. [*] Draconic Words - Certain words in his language hold a magic power and he can recall a few of them to get certain effects. [list][*] Fo-Krah-Diin: Your breath is winter, your Words a blizzard. [*] Wuld-Nah-Kest: The Words rush forward, carrying you in its wake with the speed of a tempest. [/list] [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Headstrong, Gruff, Early Stoicism, Swift to Anger. [b]Likes/Dislikes:[/b][color=green][list] [*] Meat - As any predator he enjoys meat a good deal. Unless it's rotten he will eat the meat. [*] Cooking - Despite his barbarism he enjoys cooking food. Mainly meat but he is capable of cooking a few other things. [*] Fighting - He loves a good fight, brawl, or skirmish. The clashing of steel on steel, the thuds of flesh meeting flesh, the crunch of breaking bones. It's a bloody party. [/list][/color][color=red][list] [*] Insects - They're annoying, buzzing, nipping, too damn many, make itchy, and they don't taste good. Where's the flammenwerfer!? [*] Cold - He doesn't like being cold, it makes him feel sluggish and sleepy which is annoying. [*] Swords - As much as he likes fighting and weapons he dislikes swords. Needing perfect edge alignment to do anything except poke the enemy and easily countered with shields or armor. A good bludgeon is best! [/list][/color] [b]Backstory (optional):[/b] (What was your life like growing up? How did you become what you are now?)[/hider]