[h2]Saria[/h2] With Sanae doing... something--exactly what, Saria couldn't say, except that this seemed far more like some esoteric arts than any medic's work, for all that it was [i]helping[/i]--to keep people alive, that left more time for her to perform any necessary aid. Oh, they were still in triage conditions, which meant turning away some to follow after the green-haired girl and provide more lasting attention, but it was a bit less hectic. It would have been useful to have an actual medic on hand. As much as she could conserve supplies using her own abilities, it would have been useful to have a larger supply of the bsaics, rather than conserving them and making do with whatever equivalents the locals could supply. As cold as it might have been, she had no idea how long they would be here or if she would ever be able to replace [i]anything[/i] used up, and Saria didn't want to find herself needing to patch someone up during a fight and having nothing but a semi-clean bottle of medieval liquor to fall back on. "No casualties to report." There [i]was[/i] that enemy caster to bring up--more than the common soldiers, someone who could fly and repeatedly fire attacks of that magnitude needed to be considered as a major threat, although her apparent vulnerability to physical damage was something that they could take advantage of as a group. If she would even be back soon, given the injury already inflicted. Unfortunately, it seemed that they were needed outside--which meant picking her shield once again and preparing to fight. It seemed unlikely it was the raven guard; after being driven off, surely they would need just as long to regroup before another attack as [i]this[/i] village did simply to treat its wounded?