[center][h3]??? — Town Outskirts[/h3][/center] Though rain had begun seeping through the cracks in the rotting wood, the steps leading deeper into the area beneath were only left [i]somewhat[/i] wet. The lack of any guard railing would make travel downwards dangerous, and the lack of any direct light down the stairwell would prove dangerous without any illumination of the party's own. With the team at hand, though, it was unlikely that any meaningful issues would arrive in blindly traversing downwards, least of all the fact that they had ways of making their own light (or avoiding the possibility to stumbling down outright simply by flying). The walk down the stairs would proceed more or less without issue, provided nobody accidentally slipped on the rain-soaked stone that had been smoothed over by who knew how many years' worth of natural erosion. The bottom of the stairwell would lead to an open room—one that, by the looks of things, had seldom seen any exploration since it was last closed. The sounds of the crying child were rather noticeable now that before, and a brief look around the room would reveal the source without much issue. Would that the circumstances had been better, though. Though the air was stagnant and musty, the smell of blood would be difficult to ignore regardless. An unconscious woman, clutching at her wailing child in silence, was leaning against one of the walls to the side. No bloodstains save those now marking the stone brick walls were visible on the walk in—likely due to the cut that had drained her having been shallow enough to only soak into her clothing—but given what the situation seemed to be, it was rather lucky that the group had stumbled upon her when they had. Any bit of light would reveal that the woman matched the brief description that Marcus had provided, but whether it was the Raven Heralds or something else that had injured her was something that remained to be seen. There was a door further in at the other end of the room—this one built of some sort of metal—but given the situation, further exploration would have to be a consideration for the future—unless, of course, the group as it was thought that whatever was sealed behind it was worth the effort of trying to break through right now. [@DracoLunaris][@Lugubrious][@Izurich]