[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f1f21e70-f164-4365-aecc-8ba82a58476c.png[/img][/center] [b][color=265828]Time:[/color][/b] Evening [b][color=265828]Location:[/color][/b] Forest clearing, campfire [b][color=265828]Interactions:[/color][/b] Aurora [@mole] Zora [@13org] [b][color=265828]Mentions:[/color][/b] None [b][color=265828]Equipment:[/color][/b] Longsword and Plate Armor[hr] Cutting through the wordy descriptions, the one bit of information that triggered in him even more sense of curiosity: Humans. The Dugmaghords didn't have written records of much, and for as long as he lived there, there had been no contact with any human whatsoever, only the fact that if seen, they would be killed onsite. It was only through elven records that one way or another fell into his hands that he knew the existence of these...he would call walking magic tower. It's also no secret that the ones who wrote about these towers also despised them. And yet here is one, in the flesh, walking around, in this rebellion, bonding with the two elves. While he had little preconceived biases against them, the fact that this 'New Dawn' rebellion were using them says a lot about their power, which is not much at all. Hearing what Rowan said about this group, he wasn't exactly surprised. He pretty much answered the question without revealing much details at all. Though it could simply be because of secrecy. A new guy wouldn't get the information that easily. Word for a word, it was his time to answer the question. [color=265828]"Work."[/color] He replied. [color=265828]"I go where the coins take me. The clan does not welcome me anymore, nor do I welcome them."[/color] He took a sip of water in solidarity with Rowan too, before looking over to Zora. [color=265828]"What is to happen anyway?"[/color] He said, having decided to ask straightforwardly. [color=265828]"Where are we going, now that I have joined the cause?"[/color]