[@ERode] Klava 2.0 looks solid. "Dai-katana" isn't a proper keyword though, but I think greatsword fits with the whole nodachi/big ass katana vibe you're going for. SWOLE DEFLECT looks fine, just be aware that a behemoth's fist or other retardedly huge attacks aren't going to just bounce off of her sword. Just wanted to put that out there before signing off on it. But yea, just change that keyword and SLAP 'ER IN THERE! [quote=@The World] Sorry for the huge delay. I'd like to say that I've been working on this since 2 days ago, but I haven't had the chance til now, so pretend this was done then. Does "As of becoming a Gold Rank Genre, Marrie has found that she's able to become one with the wind and turn incorporeal when casting Melodies. This comes with a 20 mana cost at the start of the casting." sound about right or need to be balanced more? [/quote] 20 mana is about half of the cheapest way you can cast it normally. It's also a note wind peeps don't normally get, and your special offers other forms of versatility. For reference, Mika has a gold escape special and, while it costs no mana, it offers no other utilities and can only be used three times. I think what would be fair would be to just to let you slap [Intangible] in your melody with the understanding that it only effects Marrie during cast. This represents Marrie's struggle to cast a spell while also turning herself into air. If Marry tries to form a big expensive counter attack, it'll be more costly than doing something more simple. So I'd say... "As of becoming a Gold Rank Genre, Marrie has found that she's able to become one with the wind and turn incorporeal when casting Melodies. She can do this by adding an Intangible note to her melody." That sound cool? If so, slap it in da tab. [@Izurich] Geez, the new wave of Inquisition plants really suck at hiding their allegiance. Real talk, I stand with #superiortosilmeria. We're still going over this one though so I'll give you a final verdict when I'm not making dinner/doing taxes/multitasking.