“ACK! EEK! YEE!! DOLLLYYYYYY DO SOMETHINGGGGG—“ [i]”Um, erm, is that, do you really—“[/i] “DOLLLLLYYYYY HELP THAHAHAHATH I’M NOT EVEN OUT OF THE SYHIHISTEM DOLLLLLLYYYYY—“ [i]"I, I mean, you’re sure you really— oh, here you go, ah, wait, hold on, that’s her—“[/i] “AUUUUUUUUUHGH DOLLLLYYYYY WHY WOULD YOU GIVE HER THE WREHEHEHENCHHHHHHHHH BETRAYAL AND CALUMNY AND WOE IS ME TO SEE THIS DAY WHEN YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP—“ [i]"Have you, um, tried maybe just dis, dis, disentangling yourself? I’m still wearing my glove and you could just—“[/i] “SHE’S IN MYHYHY BUFFFFERRRRRSSSS DOLLLLLLYYYYYYY I’M STUUUUUUUCKKKKKHHHH” The mighty and powerful goddess writhes, doubles over, feet in the air, uselessly kicking, hands over her face as anguished giggles and squeaks burst out of her, with only one increasingly flustered witness to her agony, her dark night of the soul, her hideous torment. This is an [i]impossible[/i] feeling, and really, Dolly should be the one feeling it, but shunting it over to her requires a level of fine control in a mind that is being flooded with an unfamiliar set of mechanics tinkering with her idol-body’s functions. And besides, it would be… unworthy. That’s what makes her hesitate when she almost thinks straight. [i]"Dampening clamps? What, um, what do those, well, I suppose they dampen, but— yes, you’re right that it would be catastrophic if she moved, but—“[/i] It’s incredibly wildly unfair that her own weave is being used against her like this. Her sleek bob sticks to her forehead and cheeks as her legs are folded back and her arms lock in place. She can’t even double over now, not with the phantom rope between her wrists and ankles. “DOLLLLLYYYYY WHYHYHYHYHY AAAAAAAA SHE’S A SADIST A SPY THIS IS ALL PART OF [i]HER[/i] SCHEMES WASN’T SHE SATISFIED WITH PILOTING ME LIKE A DEPRAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY” [i]"She’s, I’m, are you sure, I— well, yes, I suppose you’ve got everything on site already, and— oh, I, I didn’t, read, what she— and we do owe you, it’s just, um—“ Dolly glances guiltily at the cackling goddess arching her back, flexing her feet, incoherent and helpless given the level of meddling that Slate is innocently performing. “And what do you— oh, that’s, are you sure you should— well, no, I’m not an engineer, and, yes, we do want the upgrades, it’s so sweet of you to do, but—“[/i] “DHHHHLLLLLHHHYYY GMMM HMMM GRRRHMMM NNNLLK MMMMHH— [i]MMMMMFFFF!!![/i] UUULLLLEEEEEE!!!” [i]"I, uh, I, I think, the goddess, wants this done, as quickly as possible, so, so, um, how can I— oh, by, by sitting over there? And? Oh, I see, that, yes, I understand, and, um, eep, yes! Right away, ma’am!”[/i] BETRAYAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL “YEEEEHH GHHHH BBFFFFK MMN— MEEHEEEHEEEFFFF!!! NNNNNNNFFFFFHHH!!!” [i]Dolly reaches out, sitting on a bench, and awkwardly pats her goddess’s writhing form. She whispers, low and hoarse. “I, she’s really intense, and… at least nobody can, um, see, you?” Her heart is throbbing, she’s going to sweat straight through this top, and her legs might as well be made of a high-carbon polymer. She knows. She absolutely knows. Jade’s going to be on a vengeful warpath, and there’s one target who’s going to [b]fucking get it[/b] once Slate and her team are done. The thought of having Jade inflict holy vengeance upon her is leaving her lightheaded and giddy. Or maybe that’s just feedback from Jade, who is sounding increasingly lightheaded and giddy as she rolls and writhes around, yowling with laughter into increasingly snug muffling.[/i] UNDIGNIFIEEEEDDDDDD “ahreee!! —ree!! mnnnghm!! mmm!!! ——!!!!” [i]Dolly bites her lip, does her best not to stare at the goddess glaring up at her through a mess of cobalt bangs, folds her hands in her lap, and softly vibrates into a new plane of existence, one where her goddess isn’t getting worked over by an almost certainly innocent band of overzealous engineers, wondering if she can ever get away with occasionally having Nine Forests do something like this depending on how Jade is feeling afterwards, wishing that she was wired up fully in the cockpit during this, considering if Jade could shunt all the feedback her way or whether they’d just end up sweaty and wriggling together making the temple echo with their moans just like when Mirror—[/i] An engineer sets a plug into place firmly, hears an indecent little noise barely over the sound of power tools, and glances back over her shoulder at the high priestess, who has her face in her hands and is doubled over making little squeaks. [i]oh okay okay so that. when she. sometimes when she. okay. that. wow. neat! neat!! really neat!!! incredible!!! “I am! I’m! I’ll just! Be! In our! Room!!!” Dolly pants, shivering with the shared burst of feedback, and scoops Jade up into her arms before, shaky-legged, fleeing, clinging her groaning wife to her chest.[/i] Dolly’s going to [i]fucking get it.[/i] Eventually. Once the remodel’sssssszzzz[i]fuckkkkkkk[/i]— [i]NOBODY CAN EVER KNOW OR THEIR REPUTATION WILL BE RUIIIIIIIINEEEEDDDDDD. …even more than it already is, thank you, Jade, for, the dancing, though, only, Mirror’s team? Knows? For now? And hopefully, not, just belatedly, considering, the Red Band, ever? Or?? They might??? Try to set her up with an encore, and—[/i] “MMMMP!!!” [i]"MEEEP!!!”[/i]