[@Zeroth] [@The World] [color=39b54a][b] [h1] [center] Xiaolong Wu [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Xavier was now focusing his attention on Satoshi who seemed distracted fighting Miyuki. The tall man with his demon ran over towards him wanting to end this fight quickly. Looking over at Miyuki wondering if she would be strong enough to continue. He hoped so because he felt he wasn’t strong enough to fight Satoshi. Xavier stood beside Miyuki ready to finish this fight. “[color=39b54a]Are you ready to finish this miss?[/color]” He said before running towards the cult leader. Jack Frost shot thick ice shards at Satoshi. The politician smiled while moving quickly out of the many large ice shards moving towards him. Although he was distracted enough to not notice Xavier coming towards him. Whacking him in the head with his nunchucks and following up with a kick to his chest. This attack sent Satoshi being sent flying backwards landing on the floor with a loud thud. The actor hoped that would be enough to incapacitate him. From the corner of his eye, he could see Virtue’s attack being shot back at her. This caused the angel to fall onto the ground and disappear in a puff of smoke. There was silence as Xavier watched Satoshi’s body not moving. For a moment he was worried he had killed the politician. He slowly walked over towards him being ready for a surprise attack. Checking his pulse he was glad he was still alive, which means he can question him. “[color=39b54a]Who is Elohim? What is the purpose of your cult?[/color]” Xavier held onto the collar of his robe. Having Jack beside him ready to attack if Satoshi tried to blindside him. The cult leader was coughing out some blood which pooled on the robes he was wearing. “Elohim is he who he is. Our purpose is to protect the lambs of earth from the fallen angel.” Satoshi said which made Xavier raise an eyebrow. “I can see you are a believer of Fú, he is in league with Elohim protecting us mortals. We must build our army to stop chaos consuming the earth.” Xavier looked even more confused by what Satoshi was saying. Although he was surprised when he mentioned his practicing religion. It didn’t take long to who he it was he was referred to as the fallen angel. “[color=39b54a]So what you're saying every supernatural being including gods are real? No that can’t be possible.[/color]” He shook his head but came to the relaxation it could be possible, he could see and interact with demons so higher beings being real was not impossible. “[color=39b54a]And the cult was being used to recruit people? And this Elohim and your cult is fighting Satan and his forces?[/color]” A guess which Satoshi nodded his head. “[color=39b54a]I assume theirs a cult of Satanists in Japan? Where are they?[/color]” But before Satoshi could answer he fell into unconsciousness. “[color=39b54a]Damn it[/color].” Cursing under his breath he stood up and started looking around for any clues. During his search, he found another conscious cultist who would be able to give him the information. His interrogation was quick and somewhat painful for the cultist. Xavier was told the cult sent a spy and was stationed at the NHK Broadcasting Center. After this interrogation, he stood up and knocked out the cultist. Turning his attention towards the others. “[color=39b54a]I’m going to NHK broadcasting centre tomorrow to find this cultist spy, perhaps I can find some information about what the hell is going on.[/color]” He looked at the two women with a sad look. “[color=39b54a]I plan on getting an interview done there, you two can come with me posing as my assistant. I’ll try to get the interview down hopefully this week, perhaps while they are distracted one of you could slip off and try to find some evidence on what is going on with these cults.[/color]” He took out a slip of paper and a pen writing down his phone number. Ripping it in two and handing the ripped papers to them. Both pieces of paper had his cellphone number on it. "[color=39b54a]There seems to be no turning back now, we need to fight these bastards before things start getting out of control. But I feel remorse for asking you to be involved in all of this. If you do want to fight these bastards, then give me a call and we can meet in a secure location to discuss our battle plan.[/color]" Sounding worried about how far reaching this cult was. He hoped it was not prevalent in America where his family is.