[@Izurich] The issue is not that that they get a free enhance on their flight, it's that they get a free enhance on their flight [b]and[/b] flight itself is absolutely free. Just by casting it at gold rank they get A rank speed, and if they enhance it further they get S. So for 32 mana per turn they get the fastest movement speed in the RP and can fly on top of it. Or for free they can fly slightly slower than that. Why even use other notes? So you can keep the rank up on flight if you'd like, but I'd like to see the mana cost reduction toned down a bit. Maybe [bronze self] is totally free, which would give Angel the option to cruse around in "low power mode," but she'd have to burn mana to go [url=https://youtu.be/dv13gl0a-FA?t=64]full speed[/url]?