[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5494758][img]https://i.imgur.com/9BCGgou.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--??? - Town Outskirts--[/h3][/center] [color=d9457c][b]"O-... oh?"[/b][/color] Two things became immediately apparent to her, both of them equally unexpected. Firstly, the "Green Pocket-Sized Hisoutensoku" - unlike the original skyscraper-sized mech - could... [i]speak[/i], while her mind might be quite delirious at the moment, but out of all her current physical and spiritual afflictions, hallucination wasn't one of them. Yes, she was confident that she just heard voices - words - coming from the 7-foot tall humanoid machine, not only that, it didn't talk like one of Nitori's automated drones, no, this... mechanical entity, it - he? - sounded [i]sapient[/i]. He was more accurately a person than a mecha, a mech-person? Urgh... those Kappa and their inventions. Regardless, if he was a man who just so happened to have a mechanical nature instead of simply a machine, then she should treat him accordingly. She might have been spirited away to the Outside World, but there’s' no reason to abandon proper manners. Secondly, and with no less amount of unexpected surprise, the... Armored Witch Kappa(?) woman confirmed that they [i]know[/i] a Sanae, and any notion of it simply being a case of someone sharing the same name was dashed the moment Rayne started describing this specific Sanae. Long green hair, capable of flight, [color=d9457c][b]"...dresses up like a shrine maiden, and insufferable. Yes, that Sanae."[/b][/color] Remilia muttered in disbelief, the nonsense she blurted out turned out to be spot-on, [color=d9457c][i]So Sanae [b]does[/b] have something to do with this... incident. By the Impaler, just [b]what[/b] did you and your goddesses do this time, Sanae? Please don't tell me that I'm not the only one you dragged along with you to the Outside World...[/i][/color] But she supposed only Sanae could answer that. Now armed with this new, crucial information, Lady Remilia started pondering her next move. While she could ask these two curious individuals regarding Sanae's current location and immediately head there, the leaf-colored mech-person - Lewa, Toa of Air, was it? - spoke something regarding a rescue mission, a wife named Elaine and her child, then this Marcus ought to be her husband if she deduced correctly. [color=d9457c][i]Sigh, Sanae... if you want to play the adventuring heroine and her comrades like in one of your silly delusions, at least have the courtesy to ask us [b]first[/b].[/i][/color] But what's done is done, she was already here, in front of two would-be rescuers of a lost woman and her child. One might speak ill of the Scarlet Devil, but let it never be said that she'd abandon innocents in need when given the opportunity to save them. [color=d9457c][i]Haa... me and my bleeding heart, perhaps this was why Sanae dragged me along, huh?[/i][/color] Nodding to herself, Remilia proceeded to properly face Rayne and Lewa, she's currently much less presentable than she'd like, but it'd have to do, [color=d9457c][b]"Greetings, Lewa, Toa of Air, and Lady Witch whose name I've yet to discover, you're in the presence of Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, I hail from Gensokyo, the very same land in which that troublesome wind priestess came from."[/b][/color] She lifted the hem of her drenched dress a bit, curtsying to the Toa of Air and the Knight-Witch with all the elegance of a highborn woman. Her noble gesture done, she straightened herself, her mind addressing the matter at hand. [color=d9457c][b]"As for your inquiry, Sir Lewa, no, I haven't seen Elaine, nor her child..."[/b][/color] She paused, [color=d9457c][b]"[i]However[/i], I may have heard the latter."[/b][/color] She turned her blood-red gaze toward the rotten wooden door, [color=d9457c][b]"Just before you arrived, I noticed an infant's cry coming from within these ruins. I believe it's quite plausible to hypothesize that your quarries have taken shelter here."[/b][/color] She nodded at the two, [color=d9457c][b]"Let's find out, shall we?"[/b][/color] Before commanding her wings to flap - with some aching pain that Remilia ignored - as the petite vampiress' body began floating off the ground. She then entered the ruined tower, but not to ascend, instead heading down below. [color=d9457c][i]...[/i][/color] As a sanguine mistress of the night, Remilia had little need of mundane light to see, her vision unhindered by the darkness and her flight allowed her to trivialize the seeping rain coating the dilapidated stone steps by not even using them in the first place. Thus, Remilia descended down along with her two impromptu comrades, using the infant's cry and her keen sense of smell to guide her, homing on the most distinctive of them all, the scent of the precious crimson nectar that her kind loved above all. [color=d9457c][b]"Blood."[/b][/color] Remilia muttered as she came upon the sight of a human woman, still and unmoving, her arms wrapped around the source of the high-pitched wails. This must be who Marcus was looking for. [color=d9457c][b]"It appears that she's quite fortunate that her child possesses such formidable vocal cords."[/b][/color] Mistress Remilia quipped as she landed near the inert mother, noticing her injuries. [color=d9457c][b]"[i]And[/i] it's also fortunate that [i]I[/i] am here, fufu~"[/b][/color] the lilac-haired youkai smirked as she reached out her unbloodied left hand to caress over Elaine's injuries. [color=d9457c][i]Tch... It's beyond doubt now that my powers have been exsanguinated... mostly, I think I can still do this much.[/i][/color] Putting her concentration on what remained of her magical might, Remilia worked a simple yet effective spell through her Haemomancy, mending vessels and tissues, staunching off any bleeding - internal and external - and allowing wounds to heal, much more rapidly that they would otherwise. [color=d9457c][b]"There."[/b][/color] Remilia sighed softly in lethargic triumph as she retracted her hand, [color=d9457c][b]"I've mended her wounds, she should be fine now."[/b][/color] As for the matter of the metal door at the other end of the room, the desire to tinker with it didn't come into Remilia's mind at all. What she desired most above all is to find the errant Moriya Miko... and get some well-deserved answers. [@DracoLunaris] [@Lugubrious]