Name: Jackson Reyes Race: Human (Meta) Age: 29 Sex: Male Attributes: *Spec Ops Combat Training- Agent Reyes demonstrates excellent hand to hand combat skills derived from Pencak Silat and Sambo, proficiency with firearms (the most notable of which being handguns of the .45, .22, and .454 Casull calibers, along with 5.56mm, 7.62mm and 9mm cartridge assault weapons.) and a particular flexibility with the knifeplay of Kali Arnis and Systema. He can move quickly whilst maintaining silenced movement, easily hit a target up to 300m, and make use of an ingrained psychological filter to mitigate extreme informational overloads and pinpoint relevant targets without losing combat effectiveness. *Physiological Restructuring- Jackson's cellular structure is 10x smaller and more efficient than the average human male's, and possesses an increase of mass to compensate for size. His metabolic efficacy can fully break down any nutrient rich material and completely strip it down of any valuable material, and his body can easily fight off most ailments and toxins— even those of an extraterrestrial or supernatural nature. This is owed to a "Radioactivity Reception" experiment taken by the US Government, where his genes happened to have the right composition and resiliency to mutate and bring about these circumstances after a period of several years through this experimental treatment. *Psionics- Jackson possesses an innate mental resilience, further bolstered by enhanced psychological conditioning techniques, strategies to resist even the most superb torture, and sheer force of will. His mind is a bastion against telepathic assault, and he finds himself in the unique position to win mental duels against those with the gift. As an aside, he can suppress his psychic presence, and as a result, hide his energy signature in all its other non-physical forms. Abilities: Hand of Destruction- Reyes has the capacity to manifest anything his mind can psychologically perceive as destructive into a physical phenomenon via the expression of his psychic potential. This means that he can weaponize his thoughts; catalyzing his mental energy into the states he envisions as a direct result of this. Furthermore, the Hand of Destruction can physically adapt the user's physical body into a vessel equipped to handle both the sheer devestation it can bring upon the earth, and also the sheer strangeness of its anamolous properties. With such a dangerous ability in the hand of a rogue agent, however, the Blacklight Project has found it suitable to install in Agent Reyes' mental programming several safeguards to limit the threat he would pose. Firstly, Agent Reyes can only produce perpetually exploding flames. These flames cannot be controlled once released save for how they are released, and his body's ability to adapt to this phenomenon is mitigated, as his sheer physical durability has merely reached a point of "tolerance". However, it should be noted, that Agent Reyes' psychic projections can bypass resistances toward heat and force, as his psychic energy merely adapts the qualities of these things, and it is ill advised to take in this energy, as it infects any aperatus that attempts to absorb and/or purify it, imbuing the qualities of his thoughts onto the target in that exchange. Equipment: *1x Custom Made .454 Casull Semi-Automatic pistol with 20rd magazine, pistol grip, and a side-mounted laser sight that produces light from the "invisible spectrum" that Reyes' eyes have adapted to percieve. The rounds chambered in this firearm are FMJs with depleted uranium cores, and produce no daylight flash and barely any nighttime flash. *3x additional magazines. *Meteoric-Iron Knife "Calisto". A 16" straight edged knife forged with a particularly hard and dense iteration of the metal, required plasma cutters to hew it into shape as acid baths and hydraulic presses were not making headway in making it more mallaeble. Weapon is sharpened to cellular edge, and hosts a colony of flesh eating bacteria. Highly resistant to heat and cold extremes, thrives in anaerobic environments. Has formed a symbiotic relationship with agent Reyes, and is additive to his immune system. *Tac Gear- Titanium-steel alloy body armor with a quintuple kevlar nano-weave underneath, comes with chestplate, arm, shoulder, knee and leg guards. Patches for carrying additional magazines, one for a knife and gun holster on each side of his waist respectively. Comes with reinforced light-adjusting night vision goggles, and two smoke canisters. *2x 3000mg military grade LSD tablets. Strong enough to kill a supernatural being with only 500mg, but his body metabolizes it rapidly enough to only put him in an extreme euphoric state before the psychedelics take effect. Temporarily disarms psychological conditioning that limits his Hand of Destruction. Delivered through a false tooth, told to take in the event of capture by the enemy as part of psychological conditioning to commit suicide. One seperate pill inside one of his magazine pouches.