[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FaCzAxe.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FePJtcZ.png[/img][/center] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Britney [@Punished GN], Leon [@AtomicEmperor] [code]The Temple[/code][/right][hr] What the actual fuck. Having gotten out of the stripclub shootup situation, Linqian had assumed she'd be able to get home and get some fucking rest… instead she was was dragged to a cult. At least, it looked like one. Why else would a massive group block the car till they saw Leon, or why would they congregate around a steeple? Linqian followed Britney and Leon out her car, sticking close to Britney. She did not like the look of this place at all. Leon and some older, kinda sexy, lady started talking in French… Linqian recognised a word here and there thanks to learning a tiny bit of French when she live in the Congo, but she didn't understand what was said as a whole. Presumably about Alizée's death… was she her mum or something, with the way she was sobbing dramatically? Probably not, she looked way more like Leon… wasn't blond enough to be Alizée's. Fucks sake, no one needed to witness this. Well, actually, it seemed like everyone wanted to… they filed in as a mass, gathering around the crying woman. Alright, definitely an actual, real cult. With a Morticia Addams lookalike leader. Linqian shuddered, discomfort crawling across her skin. At least Leon was wearing some clothes again… and Britney asked if Alizée had even been at the meeting. [color=CD5C5C]"She came,"[/color] Linqian replied with a shrug. [color=CD5C5C]"Then left soon as Kali said he was a fed. It was a whole thing. Eve here nearly shot him."[/color] She really didn't feel like explaining that whole disaster. It was a whole thing she'd much rather forget, honestly. [color=CD5C5C]"I assume she went to Veni Vedi because Auri said she found a lead there. What led to all the fighting is beyond me. I assumed we'd all go there, get some strippers, and ask around for some info. I was even ready to buy everyone's drinks,"[/color] with Edict's money, [color=CD5C5C]"but nooo by the time I turned up it was a shitshow."[/color] She rolled her eyes. [color=CD5C5C]"Knowing Alizée she went in there causing a scene. Kinda her fault she died."[/color] At least she'd had a chance to run. Or to avoid the fight altogether by not starting it, from what Linqian had gathered. Father Wolf's victims hadn't been so lucky. Sure, she was callous, but Linqian had more than enough of her own grief to deal with without dealing with other's for someone she didn't even care about. Actively disliked, really. Something about the whole thing left a bad taste in her mouth. All the people gathered in pews, the presumed leader weeping over Alizee, her dead body being taken away… where they doing a funeral right there and then for her? She hadn't even been able to afford a funeral for Jinhai. What did Alizée do to deserve all these people mourning her? What good did she ever do? Why did she have all these people who cared about her death when all of Jinhai's friends and connections, so painstakingly made, had disappeared as soon as he was dead. Not a single one reached out. Not a single one cared. Her friends? They abandoned her as soon as they realised she wouldn't be passing them free booze under the bar anymore. She was left to deal with it alone because all she had left was a brother who was barely an adult and a shit ton of debt. Irrational, heavy anger swirled in her gut. It had been simmering underneath the surface ever since her car had broken down, pushed down by trying not to get fucking shot. But now her life wasn't at risk, it bubbled to the surface and exploded. Linqian turned on Leon and got right up in his face (well, chest, he was a good foot taller than her). He was the target of her anger because he'd brought them here- and had been the start of it anyway. She glared up at him, lips twisting down into a ugly scowl. [color=CD5C5C]"[i]You,[/i]"[/color] Linqian jabbed a finger into his chest as hard as she could. [color=CD5C5C]"You owe me a new car. You fucking destroyed mine when you were playing golden furry while trying to run away with her… which sure worked out well! You know she wasn't the only one who got shot… we just weren't fucking stupid enough to walk up to someone with a gun as if they wouldn't shoot us! No wonder she was insane enough to if shes part of this cult... I lost my car and got shot, for what? I just walked into the parking lot! I can't afford a new fucking car… some of us don't have a cult to take care of our dead bodies and have their brother's. Fucking. Ashes. Sitting in their cupboard."[/color] Shit. That was not something she'd wanted to share. [color=CD5C5C]"Fuck,"[/color] Linqian covered her face with a hand, taking a step back so she was no longer pushing into Leon's personal space. Her other hand clenched into a fist that shook with rage and another feeling she was trying to suppress. [color=CD5C5C]”Forget it.”[/color]