[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Cafeteria [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=E948FC]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/701082630778650694/1170518195468259438/AE495F8E-440D-4FCC-B70C-692938B61E1C.jpg?ex=65595504&is=6546e004&hm=c0093a824d2332ab927d501c89ce963a9f5fe09afbb732f425b943ef4d8b569d&]Double Trouble[/url][/center] [color=E948FC] “OMG VICKI!”[/color] Danni squealed, ignoring Mads's incredibly unenthusiastic response to his fantastic party plan. Who wouldn't want to watch She-Ra in 3D in the training room with all their besties? [color=E948FC] “Speakin’ of magic, I was just talkin’ ‘bout you! Do you t'ink it'd be possible ta like, theaterize a trainin’ room so we could do a big ole She-Ra viewin’? I was literally just talkin’ about you! ‘ave you watched She-Ra? Mads ‘ere ‘asn't and neit'er ‘as Leah, so we wanna do a big t'in’ viewin’ and since she's one of t'e winners, I'd figure we really ramp t'is shit up! Drinks, [i]drinks[/i], food, music for t'e gossip interludes, all t'at stuff! It'll be so much fun! We can invite everyone!”[/color] Danni bubbled, bouncing at the idea, focused on his little day dream. Of course, Dee was enough to snap him out of it. He practically felt when he was making his way over and Danni threw his arms around him and shook him excitedly. [color=E948FC] “Deeeeeeee!!! We did It! Not t'at I was surprised. Spicy’s presentation was a touch off but ‘is skill def made up for it, but we looked so ‘ot out t’ere t’at t’e judges [i] ‘ad[/i] ta let us t’rough! We're just t'at good!”[/color] Dannie exclaimed, giving Percy a thumbs up. [color=E948FC] “Now, we're just talkin’ about t’e after party ‘cause Princess, Beanie, and Leah won savior and we're gunna do She-Re but like, theater style you know? It's gunna be great! Do ya t'ink t'ey'll let us have sparklers or will we need ta smuggle t'em in? T'ey let Poisson-Pas blow us up so we gotta be good wit’ fireworks in t'em, right?”[/color]