[center][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240101/fd398bfa06f33705141ffd0d145eb3ba.png[/img] [hr] [h3][i]Ransacked Village - Whereabouts Unknown[/i][/h3] Conversing with [@VitaVitaAR][/center] [hr] Konpaku, she called herself. Konpaku Youmu. What a strange name, Alucard thought as he stood there, his keen eyes ever alert with his hand grasping the hilt of his blade. It sounded foreign to the dhampir, as well as the dialect of her tiny voice. [color=fff200]"If they attack, they will be dead before their bodies hit the ground."[/color] He assured himself in his mind. Even if his opponent was quick, he was quicker. There was no mere mortal who could outmatch the speed of the dhampir. And so, he waited patiently for his opportune moment to strike. Alucard's eyes widened. A figure soon came into his view, that of...surprisingly a little girl. She had two swords of Eastern make strapped to her right hip, one of which she had firmly wrapped her slender fingers around preparing to draw. Alucard sensed there was some sort of magic pulsating from the twin blades, an aura he could see radiantly as one could view the halo of mist around a full moon. His sharp nostrils winced. There was no scent of blood upon her, so she couldn't have been the one responsible for this slaughter. However, Alucard was taking no chances in letting his guard down, not even for a second. [color=fff200]"Alucard."[/color] He introduced himself with a curt nod, briefly allowing the stern features of his face to soften. He let up his grip on his weapon just a tad, but his hand never left his side. [color=fff200]"What are you doing here, Konpaku? More importantly, what is this place? This is like no village I have seen in Wallachia."[/color] Indeed it wasn't. The architecture of the houses and shops were similar, yes, but they had more of an English style to them. Alas, even with this notion, Alucard was still uncertain of where he was transported to. He was hoping someone had an answer, even if it was just a small shred of information he could glean.