[center][h3]??? — Town Outskirts[/h3][/center] Given the nature of what had just transpired, it wasn't at all surprising that the baby would continue to cry as the group approached it and its mother. As was natural for children (as one might have presumed), the presence of strangers and lack of response from its mother only seemed to further exacerbate what fears it held. Newly borne into the world as it was, the lack of a familiar voice, the darkness, the smell of blood—it almost seemed as if everything was lining up to make [i]sure[/i] that the child would never be at ease down here. But be it for safety or some other reason, the woman and her child had not only ended up here, safe from the elements and whatever beasts may have lurked above, but also found themselves miraculously found despite the logic of the world dictating that rescue in such a situation would have been almost impossible otherwise. Even so, that still left the problem of transporting the pair home. With neither child nor parent capable of movement and the rain pounding down from above, it fell to the group to decide whether or not to remain in the darkness until the storm passed or to brave the elements and simply push through back to town in spite of it. The lack of any ability to simply teleport back meant that much would be an issue regardless of choice. With that said, though, the baby [i]did[/i] seem to stop crying for a moment as Lewa drew nearer, for whatever reason. The presence of the others didn't seem to help in calming it down, but at the very least there was something about the Toa that seemed to put it at ease. [@DracoLunaris][@Lugubrious][@Izurich]