[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]??? — Razed Town[/h3][/center] By the time Anne emerged from the lodge and limped her way to the source of the disturbance, the two strangers were already facing off. A tiny, silver-haired slip of a girl and a tall pale pretty-boy type, both dressed in completely different styles and carrying long blades. By the standards of the Knight Order, they weren't even that strange—Anne had fought alongside her fair share of weirdos in the past. Just like the group at the church, however, the two of them spoke of places and people she'd never even heard of. [i]The Netherworld? Wallachia?[/i] She rubbed one hand against her temple, already feeling a headache coming on. Just how much more of this nonsense would she have to deal with before the day was out? "I expect she's here for exactly the same reasons as you." She spoke up as she came into earshot, though she doubted it was necessary to get their attention. Neither of them would have missed her approach even from a distance, and she could already tell enough about [i]them[/i] to be certain of this fact. "Transported with little warning, across great distances, without any explanation nor obvious culprits. There are several of us here already, and we still haven't even worked out what planet we're on." Her hands didn't stray towards her swords even as she drew nearer, and the green-eyed glare that fixed them both in turn spoke more of irritation than of fear. The scent of blood lingered thick around her, but it carried the same smell she did: chemical, artificial, and not entirely human to begin with. If he could sense the magic in Youmu's swords, Alucard would likely feel the blood-red power lurking within the Knight as well, though in her case it seemed less like magic than a curse, an insidious poison that slowly ate away at her even now. "If you join us, we might manage to figure out some answers together. Or if you'd rather fight each other, then at least have it out somewhere else. This is a populated area, and the colonists here have already been through more than enough." [@Raineh Daze][@VitaVitaAR][@Vlad Tepes]