Quinn had, in fact, not expected her medical exam to take very long at all. It seemed strange to think it now, but she'd only [i]just[/i] discovered there was modium in her head and with how busy she'd been since then, how tumultuous yesterday had been, she'd forgotten all about it. Despite the severity of a piece of modium in her [i]head.[/i] And so it was that after an hour or two, once the easy parts of the exam were over and midway through the head scan, there had been faint sounds first of confusion and then alarm from the doctor who'd talked to her. Minutes passed, and so did rapid footsteps in the hallway outside. Then it had gone quiet. And so, Quinn had sat in the exam room for the last two hours, totally isolated from everyone, with nothing to do but think. It had been a long time since she'd had a morning that leisurely. On the Aerie, the second she was up, she was eating, and the second she was fed, she was out, usually heading for the sims or the gym. So that morning had been one of nigh-inconceivable luxury. Taking a long shower with her braid undone, replaiting it, unpacking her luggage finally, ordering a dresser that would come up later that day, shooting a few texts back and forth with Deelie, putting the sweaty clothes from yesterday aside to wash them later...it felt like she'd come unbuttoned from time, she'd had so much. The one thing she hadn't done was eat breakfast. She knew that some medical tests didn't work if you'd eaten, so she'd just had a bottle of clean, clear water to start the day. By the time she'd been pinged to come to medical, she was almost grateful for it. She didn't quite know what to do with herself for that long. Perhaps there was something a bit sad about that. She wasn't entirely sure how long she'd been sitting in the exam room, dawdling her feet off the side of the table where they'd seated her as she stared up at the ceiling. One of the lights flickered every so often, and it had started to captivate her attention in a way few things could. Strange things happened to a mind when it was bored. It had helped to distract her from the images of her destroying the treaty again, at least. She frowned, itching to put her eyepatch back on—being without it was discomfiting—and sighed for the umpteenth time, only to this time be cut off by the door shuttled open, and Toussaint walked in. Quinn gave him her best smile, but it was strained no matter how hard she tried, and after a moment she dropped it, waiting to hear her [i]sentence.[/i] "We have determined that you are not, currently, a danger to yourself or anyone who might be in close proximity to you." Quinn couldn't help it; she let out a loud breath of relief as he went on. She'd need to come back every few days. That was fine, she was used to visiting medical constantly now after Roaki. She nodded along as he asked her as well to keep it hidden. No problems there. She didn't want much to talk about it either. He stood at stared at her, and she twitched, before he revealed the best news that he possibly could, except maybe that Casoban had decided that the treaty was fine and Quinn could go home to the Aerie. So the best news he [i]realistically[/i] could: her technician had arrived. The smile came back to her face as she nodded, small but sincere this time. "[color=ffe63d]Mhmm. I'm...sorry about all of that.[/color]"