[quote=@Abstract Proxy] The Suit of Souls now resides with Anna Levina, a mid level Gotham criminal with some perhaps not so distant ties to the organized crime of a distinctly Russian flavor. Given the theme of the Shadowpact we wrote up, I wanted to lean into a Ragwoman that is less a law abiding citizen and more a woman working to redeem herself, much like the souls trapped in the Suit of Souls, who can only find freedom by willingly helping the Ragwoman do good. It's not quite a curse as with Guillotine and the demonic sword she is forced to wield, but I'm hoping to explore a bit more the idea that Ragwoman understands/sympathizes much more with the criminals/villains/evil-doers she interacts and that she isn't exactly happy to have to carry the heavy (to her mind) mantle of Ragwoman.[/quote] I'm not familiar with the character of Anna, did you create her specifically for the RP?