[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/3h8t5RV/Midnight-Sons.png[/img][/center][hr] [color=ed1c24]"And that's it. All the important information, anyway. The rest you'll pick up or have to rely on John and the others. Nothing is to chance anymore. Good luck."[/color] Parker Robbins concluded to himself, his hoodless reflection staring back at him in a handheld mirror. He tossed the mirror onto his desk and reclined further into his chair, sighing exhaustively. The man brought his right hand to comb through his hair, swiveling on his chair to stare out the window to New York City. He should have been out there, still running an iron grip on the underbelly of Hell’s Kitchen. Digging his hands in and gathering all the sleaze and opportunity that he could. Power was earned by beating the next guy and The Hood, as he became known as, was a true kingpin in this city. That life seemed like a lifetime ago despite it being only yesterday that he… No, that wasn’t right anymore. Parker closed his eyes. What did Spider-Man say to him once? [i]With great power comes great responsibility.[/i], he chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned up in his chair to slouch forward. He mocked Spider-Man for that line before getting his ass beat by the masked hero. What was funny then was that Parker would counter that great power comes with great opportunity. Now, he got it but for all the wrong reasons. The criminal kingpin known as The Hood was replaced entirely by the stronger The Hood Supreme, taking the mantle of the Sorcerer Supreme. He could bend reality to his will with the magic that coursed through his fingertips and yet, he’d doom himself in the process. All that power came at a price, requiring a strict adherence to time. Greater power didn’t give him more opportunity, it only sentenced him to greater responsibility. In a way, Parker might have deserved this. A life sentence for the wrong he has done. He could understand, but this wasn’t just one life sentence. It was an eternity. His watch beeped, an alarm triggering. Parker didn’t acknowledge it just like he didn’t acknowledge the grandfather clock chiming in a westminster tune behind him. Out in the hall, another clock sounded, albeit muffled by the closed door. One till midnight. Time was up. [color=ed1c24]”Fuck you, Spider-Man.”[/color] Parker muttered, recalling that damned phrase as he turned around to face his desk. He drew the amulet from around his neck and held it in hand. A green glow emanated from strange eye-shaped amulet. With one last breath, Parker slipped a finger in and tapped the stone. A green flash broke free and engulfed Parker, the man vanishing as the light faded. Two minutes passed, and the green light returned, replacing Parker Robbins right back in his chair. His eyes snapped open, wild and confused. He had no idea how he had got there. It was a new day for all but him.