[h2]Miret'thilan'dichora[/h2] Magnetic: 0 Arcane: 5 Binding: 3 Chemical: 4 Kinetic: 6 Atomic: 0 Blood: 0 Temporal: 2 Dark: 0 Command: 0 Primordial: 0 [b]RAS[/b]: 8.28 [b]Base Health:[/b] 24 [b]Mana:[/b] Sanguinaire, Skyborn, Fireblood, Agitator, Skinspeaker, Rosebud [b]Fruit:[/b] Brandæble [b]Consumable:[/b] [Yuri's Special Sauce] on fried [Puffchicken Eggs]. [b]Item:[/b] Chains of Retribution - may counter on 7 points (solo) or 11 points (combo). May counter no matter what once per scenario, with advantage. May [FLEE] without losing a turn. Provides 30 manas. [hr][hr] [h2]Margot Fischer[/h2] Magnetic: 2 Arcane: 4 Binding: 2 Chemical: 4 Kinetic: 3 Blood: 2 [b]RAS[/b]: 8.19 [b]Base Health:[/b] 22 [b]Mana:[/b] Sanguinaire, Agitator, Moodcaster [b]Fruit:[/b] Starfruit - gain five free disadvantage rolls to assign your enemies per cycle. Doesn’t replace or stack with other disadvantage rolls. Foresight - gain 10 discretionary points per cycle to be distributed as you see fit. [b]Consumable:[/b] Pescoberry Cupcakes - Provides advantage on all (d2) rolls and non-damaging actions. [b]Item 1:[/b] Schleim - this loyal sumpfkrake is always close at hand if Margot is around. He may provide her and himself with one free [FLEE] per scenario that will not use up an action, three advantage rolls, and may heal her for up to 4 damage once per scenario. If Schleim is killed, Margot will receive an immediate (d4) roll boost of one level to her RAS and Skill tiers. [b]Item 2:[/b] Gnomenzerstörer - A tiny, gnome-sized hammer that seems to manipulate luck and illusions. Will dispel any two illusions per scenario for free. Once per scenario, may negate all divine fruit and consumable effects of her opponent for (d3) rolls. Once per scenario, may 'steal' (d2) of an opponent's levels in any one school of magic for (d3) rolls. Provides 18 manas.