[center][h2][color=#FF7800]Boraro[/color] - Japanese airspace[/h2][/center][hr]Ebrima’s eyes were still at half mast when he collected his meal - MRE menu 14 ‘Mexican Rice and Bean Bowl‘ two months before its best buy date - and found a seat. Trying to alleviate Skye's confusion, he looked at his wrist, then rolled back his sleeve and only then realized he left his watch in a pouch on his armor with an annoyed sigh. [color=#FF7800]”I might need a cup of maddener to wake up. This thing has to be a well-kept secret, otherwise Mexico would’ve declared war over it.”[/color] He said, looking at his ration of stale beans and questionable rice with disdain before glancing at Freya, Tahlia and back to Skye again, [color=#FF7800]”But I’m good, all things considered.”[/color] He answered Skye's question. [color=#FF7800]”New blood comfortable? Doesn’t chafe?”[/color] The Cameroonian grinned. Ebrima greeted the Kiwi with a wave of his spoon, quietly wondering how his fellow African had managed to stay awake and alert behind the yoke for that long. Clearly he has, they weren’t dead nor being escorted by JSDF fighters for not answering the ATC’s calls. [color=#FF7800]”That is hardly surprising.”[/color] He chimed in after Skye’s admission, [color=#FF7800]”Stolen identity is a once-in-a-few-lifetimes occurrence. A doppelganger like yours is unheard of. Nothing to lean on, you’re writing the handbook so to speak. No shame in taking time to think things through, a rushed plan can do more harm than no plan at all.”[/color] If they had a bad plan, they were acting on it, potentially making mistakes. If they had no plan, they were staying put. Plus the high-level thinking was being done, well, on higher levels. Beyond elite they may have been, but they were still grunts. It might actually be beneficial to leave Skye out of planning. If she could think of it, why couldn’t her clone or whatever Rose was? Good thing it could also work the other way. [color=#FF7800]”If you are not compromised and you and your double think the same way, killing you would do more harm than good. Preventing further confusion could be as simple as a challenge and countersign. Something she cannot infer, and changed frequently. And no more biometrics for you.”[/color] He accepted the bottle more for the gesture than thirst, returning it wiped with one hand while offering the other, introducing himself properly. He didn't laugh at the joke, and for a moment the tired cheerfulness in the pale African’s eyes was replaced with unfiltered hatred, not directed at anyone present but still easily noticeable. That comment about magic rituals and sacrificing body parts hit close to home. Too close. [color=#FF7800]”I understood until around ‘...tattoos are from…’.”[/color] Japan wasn’t the only place he knew next to nothing about, [color=#FF7800]”It’s a lot of effort Artemis took from you.”[/color] He could relate. For almost the past year, he’d been putting away savings and paving the way to setting up his own small, permanent merc outfit before Mossad threw a whole bag full of wrenches into that plan. [color=#FF7800]”What are you going to do about it?”[/color]