[quote=@Theyra] I am somewhat interested in this but never played premade char before. My only solid idea is Red Hood/Jason Todd after being brought back to life and being trained by All Caste. He goes out to be his own thing and fight evil on his own terms. But go down a mystical maybe warrior monk route in the process. [/quote] I haven't exactly followed Jason religiously since the New 52 recast him into that mold but felt like its absence from the initial Outlaws arcs felt like a wasted opportunity. I'm honestly kinda surprised that the writers didn't just have him trained in the League of Assassins but I'd love to see what you do with it and oh-so curious how you might incorporate MARVEL bits or just reinterpret it with your own flair. Best of luck. Glad to have you amongst us. If you need any help, don't hesitate to reach out.