I'm going to basically copy and paste important information from my last interest check here. [b]PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS.[/b] And of course, forgive me if there's anything in there that is specific to the last interest check that I forget to change. [hider=My Hider] 1: I am looking for a partner who plays female characters. That isn't to say side characters won't be played as males, but when it comes to whoever our 'main' characters are, I am looking for my partner to play females. 2: I play characters that you might consider 'transgender' but they aren't really. That is to say they are entirely female characters, aside from the fact they have male parts. The reason I say they aren't really transgender is because these characters are born like this, it's just how they are, and in these RPs is to be seen as a normal thing. I will also note that I am comfortable with playing male characters of different varieties, just not as a main character. 3: I am looking for a partner who is comfortable playing characters who are extraordinarily gifted. This means playing characters as much curvier than they already are in canon. The simplest way to put this is, 'very large chests'. 4: I am looking to include darker themes in these stories, but the main one that needs to be brought up is adultery, the idea of characters going behind each other's backs brings a dynamic to the stories that I enjoy exploring. It also keeps me from getting bored of playing the same couple all the time. 5: This is titled as 18+ because it is intended to be a smut heavy RP. This means, naturally, that anyone showing interest in it should be 18+, and should be prepared for smut-focused themes and ideas. I am not interested in fading to black instead, so if you aren't comfortable with this then this may not be the RP for you. 6: I am looking for an active partner. With the holidays calming down, I am becoming more available myself, and should be able to actively post throughout the day, every day. I am Central US time, but on my days off I can tend to stay up well into the morning, sometimes until the sun comes up, so I may not always be able to be on reliably at specific times, but am on for large portions of the day regardless. [/hider] The RP: The new big MMO just came out, and everyone is hyped not just because it's set to be the next big game, but because it's the first ever VR MMO. Set in a fantasy world, this game has sold itself on being an immersive experience where you can do and be anything you want to be. And you can't wait to be one of the millions of day one users. You get your copy, get everything set up, and the helmet goes on. Then, you open your eyes to a new world, the kind you have only seen in your dreams. Everything looks so real, feels so real... almost, too real. Characters react to you so realistically, as if even the simplest of NPCs has their own fully dedicated Ai. But it just doesn't make sense to you, everything you are experiencing seems way bigger than what this game was hyped up to be. Sure they bragged about how big the game would be, how immersive, and of course the VR support. But they never said anything about how... real it would feel. How characters were like real people. You shrug it off, have some fun meeting up with friends ingame, and trying out the combat and leveling up a little bit, before you head to bed for the night. The next day you hop right back in, and those strange feelings, they sure aren't going away. As you step out of the tavern you logged into, you see an NPC you talked to yesterday. They call you by name, mentioning how nice it was to meet you yesterday... an Ai that not only remembers you, but can even recall when it last saw you? You spend the day playing the game again, taking note of all these strange things happening... before it's back to bed. You played all day, and can't wait to talk to your friends about the experience you have been having. But when the next day comes, and you all meet up, everyone is confused about the things you are claiming to have experienced. Sure, the game is immersive, but the things you are describing are definitely exaggerating. None of them have noticed anything strange in the game... in fact, none of them seem to have been experiencing half the things you have. The game feeling realistic, NPCs seeming to act like normal people, even remembering you the next day? None of them have had that happen to them... But now you're left confused. How can it be only you experiencing this? What's going on? And why does it feel like you're connecting to another world, while everyone else is just playing a game? You're going to have to figure all this out and more... [hr] Alright so that whole thing does lie just a little bit, as it won't be just you experiencing all these things. The basic idea for this RP is that our characters are connecting to a new VR game much more deeply than anyone else. While other people are describing fairly normal experiences for a VR MMO, our characters are having a completely different experience. Where others describe having to come up and initiate conversations with NPCs, and having dialogue options and menus... your characters are simply walking up and talking to NPCs like normal. That's just one example of how our characters are experiencing this game as if it's reality, unlike everyone else. The story will follow our characters playing the game together, and struggling as they build relationships with characters in the game, knowing that to them, these are simply NPCs in a game. They know how the world is going to change based on what other people say. Maybe they hear about a quest that changes a part of the world, maybe a new patch or even expansion just got announced, and our characters know that things are going to happen in the world before they even happen... how could they possibly explain this to the friends they are making in the game world itself? Should they even tell them that they are just code in a video game, that they aren't real? Or is that even true? Does their connection to this world mean something bigger than they could possibly imagine?