[h2]Marceline Hohenfelter[/h2] Magnetic: 4 Arcane: 1 Binding: 4.5 Chemical: 1 Kinetic: 4.5 Atomic: 0 Blood: 0 Temporal: 0 Dark: 0 Command: 0 Primordial: 0 [b]RAS[/b]: 8.28 [b]Base Health:[/b] 18 [b]Mana:[/b] Tethered (can attack from long range) [b]Bonus Effect:[/b] Foresight has 10 points to distribute whenever she sees fit. [b]Fruit:[/b] Brandæble - increases Marci's RAS modifier dice by one stage above where they should be. [b]Consumable 1:[/b] [Prime Shot] - increases Marci's RAS by 104, for a total of 256 with item. [b]Consumable 2:[/b] [Pescoberry Cupcakes] - Provides advantage on all (d2) rolls and non-damaging actions. [b]Item 1:[/b] Souleater's Sombre Sombrero - Penalizes all enemy spells with a persistent -2 so long as they are within casting range and steals any two magic buffs or consumable boons per scenario for use on the wearer instead. Currently at 6/10 and 1/5 charges. Provides 28 manas. [b]Mobility Aid:[/b] Power Wheels - a lightweight, aluminum-framed wheelchair made for humanoids. It has rubber tires, shocks, and a pneumatic, self-repairing seat cushion. It appears to have been modified by hegelan craftsmen with imbued spells that allow it to siphon and store kinetic energy from its surroundings in order to help its user hop curbs and boost momentum when rolling up inclines. Contains a slot for a mana gem as well as a small treasure compartment hidden by illusory magics. Provides 36 manas that can stack above the normal 32 maximum. [hider=Image][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XngtQtx.png[/img][/center][/hider] [hr][hr] [h2]Penny Pellerin[/h2] Magnetic: 1 Arcane: 3 Binding: 4 Chemical: 2 Kinetic: 4 Atomic: 0 Blood: 2 Temporal: 0 Dark: 0 Command: 0 Primordial: 0 [b]RAS[/b]: 8.34 [b]Base Health:[/b] 20 [b]Mana:[/b] Leadvein (boosts Kinetic by one RAS tier) [b]Fruit 1:[/b] Pomegranate (fortune) - All passed thresholds and successful rolls add a stacking +3 bonus, up to +13. While the bonus is 9 or below, consecutive failures will dispel it. Above 9, any failures will dispel it. After +13 is reached, the player gains advantage. Pomegranate (misfortune) - Tie the fates of the fruit bearer and their enemy together. Every time the bearer succeeds in meeting a threshold or a (d2), their enemy must roll their next one with disadvantage. Every time their enemy fails at a threshold or a (d2), the bearer gains advantage on their next roll of either of these types. [b]Consumable:[/b] [Pescoberry Cupcakes] - Provides advantage on all (d2) rolls and non-damaging actions. [b]Item:[/b] [Brooch of Determination] - Boosts the RAS tier of the bearer by one level for (d3) rolls after failing on a roll. Provides 20 manas. [b]Mobility Aid:[/b] [Quicksilver Crutches] - Boosts Skill Modifier on kinetic spells by one tier. Provides 12 manas.