[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=aba400]Maxamillian Gray[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1120141739236282439/Copy_of_Copy_of_Dark_Blue_and_Gold_Aesthetic_Tarot_Desktop_Wallpaper_.png[/img][hr][b][color=6644ff]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=aba400]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=aba400]Spells:[/color][/b]Basic Spellcraft [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1100281269411131423/1100530762681425940/Screenshot_20230425_171324_Instagram.jpg?width=679&height=678]Outfit[/url] [hr][hr][/center] Max unfurled his fingers, a mote of fire floating towards the Green Eyed Ones before rapidly expanding into a massive explosion that took out several dozen gods. There was a hint of excitement to this all, a far cry from constantly running and feeling helpless at the hands of Purifiers. There, if you attacked you proved their point that mutants were dangerous, but if you let them wale on you then you likely ended up dead or incarcerated. But here, here Max could stretch his mutant powers a bit more, test out just how much he could do. After all, every one felled was a trapped soul released back to their owner right? He was about to ask Jack if he'd seen what he just did, when suddenly darkness began to envelope them in a large blanket. Was this world fighting against them now? Panic slowly crept in, as Max lost all sense of sight and sound. It felt suffocating to be inside this darkness. He could feel his pulse, his heart, the texture of his shirt rubbing against his neck. Everything felt amplified by the lack of the other two senses. How was he meant to fight? He took one step forward before there was a touch on his shoulder. Max spun in place, chopping the air with his hand only to hit nothing. As he spun, his vision began to change, the darkness became…less dark? It was difficult to explain. As if he'd been giving goggles to see underwater but only for it to work in the darkness. He saw the receding shape of Jack's back moving away from where Max had just tried to attack him. Taking in a deep breath, he decided to get back into the fight, using the cover of darkness to his advantage. Max spoke the words to his spell, his hands following the somatics that changed with each casting as he bent the magic to his will. His right hand glided across the air from the left to right until he stopped just past his shoulder, spinning his finger downwards as if to make a tornado before closing his fist. His magic trailed out to where the creatures swarmed. A streak of Cosmic dust flitting across the lot as a massive cummerbund sprang to life and wrapped around 30 of them before closing in tight. He went for a second spell, conjuring a massive tophat to compliment the garment before it began to breathe fire onto the gods entangled in his mess. Max looked at Jack as he pantomimed “How long? What do we do?”