[color=95A5A6][b]> Ask about Yachir's friends. <[/b][/color] [hr] Your mind wandered along with Yachir's words, to the almost decadent streets of Albrigh as you recalled your recent stop there. No matter where you stood within or near the city, the sky-piercing tower atop the King's palace shone with a mystic and serene radiance of all colors, befitting the city's various rainbow-themed titles. Being from the more drab and dreary province of Aurelius, the saturation of Geland proper and its capital might almost have been disorienting even. Nevertheless, it was there that you had spoken to Aika's master and why you were even here atop the cold-swept peaks of Daldon to begin with. Faces of all shapes, sizes and colors flooded Albrigh at all hours, so it would be simply impossible to know exactly whom Yachir spoke of as he name-dropped his companions. [color=95A5A6]"Aiden,"[/color] you repeated back a bit lowly. [color=95A5A6]"And Annalise. Can't say I'm familiar off first names alone, especially from a place as packed as that. Aika?"[/color] You turned to her and she simply replied with a shrug. Standing between the two of them, your head pivoted back and forth. [color=95A5A6]"Are they, ah, hands-for-hire like us?"[/color] [color=6fc1bb]"Mhm, and two of my dearest friends."[/color] the dragonborn nodded in affirmation with a smile. [color=6fc1bb]"We had met at quite varied points in our own lives, though it would seem that meandering without a greater purpose was our common calling- and that which we've cured within each other's company."[/color] A feeling that was likely shared among all at some point, you felt inclined to perhaps find more in common yourself. [color=95A5A6]"So, what are they like then? If they are so similar to us anyway?"[/color] [color=6fc1bb]"Well,"[/color] he began, looking to Aika first. [color=6fc1bb]"They both carry in their hearts a fire, if you will. A penchant for something more. You can see it in their eyes. Like yours, Aika, Aiden's are alight like starry beacons of potential and inspiration. I see that there's nothing that will stop you, and he is very much the same."[/color] Aika looked away, her expression clearly unsure how to take such a compliment, but in this moment Yachir turned to you. [color=6fc1bb]"Anna's flame is subtle, collected, though no less potent. But- ah- words do no justice for them. To paint them as simply as this is to insult them, as it is for most."[/color] Yachir digressed with a long breath. [color=6fc1bb]"I have seen many come and go from this world, as is my charge in service to the gods. To wave the lives of others off as a background on the stage of our own-"[/color] he caught himself again, clearing his mind and lung with another breath. [color=6fc1bb]"Sonder is a valuable tool."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"So... if they mean so much to you, why are you all the way out here in the mountains without them?"[/color] [color=6fc1bb]"A bit of soul-searching, if you will. We all have our personal reasons and tasks once in a while, as I'm sure you two do as well. I would ask what yours are both here and in Albrigh, but,"[/color] he paused, eyeing Aika directly, a knowing look in his eye. [color=6fc1bb]"I suspect it would be rude to pry at such things."[/color] You could see her again tense a bit under his gaze out of the corner of your eye, and only a meek [color=7ea7d8]"Ah- y-yeah,"[/color] eked out of her. The cleric displayed patience though, reassuring her as he turned his attention to the road once more. [color=6fc1bb]"I understand."[/color] [hr] [color=95A5A6] • Ask about Yachir's distain for Minerva. [Pass time to the Daldon-Geland border] • Ask about Yachir's magic. [Pass time to the Daldon-Geland border] • Say nothing. [Pass time to the Daldon-Geland border] [/color]