[center][h2][b][color=silver]Lhirinthyl[/color][/b][/h2][/center][hr] Avoiding the prick of the spear, Lhirin found himself stymied by the ghoul's ranged armament. Letting out a sharp breath, Lhirin's wide-eyed stare bored into the divine-possessed corpse, but before he need act further, a trail of water snaked through the air and did the rest of the work for him. As the water closed the circuit and the ghoul reacted, Lhirin cut off the flow of energy even as the water collapsed to the ground and his enemy convulsed and flung itself partially backward. Taking a deep breath, Lhirin focused his senses--noticing the disappearance of the disruption to his energies as he did so, though he knew there was unlikely any correlation. He felt...heavy and drained. Not good things considering the greater encounter was likely ahead of them--if Irah's words were anything to go by (which they often were). Lowering his runeblade, Lhirin turned his attention to the Knight of the Will who stood down the staircase, raising a single eyebrow. The man could have easily interjected or even taken out the ghoul in his stead. Why had he held back. In fact, given his speed and the effectiveness of his weapon against the divines, why had he not done more? Lhirin stared, his gaze lingering too long, with far more intensity than was comfortable or polite. [color=silver][b]"Inefficient,"[/b][/color] he said matter-of-factly, his eyes still locked upon the knight. As the others gathered their wits and spoke--mostly to one another rather than at him--Lhirin considered his stores of energy. His lips twitched downwards slightly, then returned to a more neutral expression. Idly he considered the piaan he had on his person but disregarded it after a moment's consideration. Still, Irah's words about what was allegedly the final divine worried him, if only slightly. With his senses no longer disrupted Lhirin could tell that all parties of magical note had perhaps expended more than they ought to during this first engagement--himself included. Perhaps [i]he[/i] was the truly inefficient one. With Irah's assistance and a measure more seriousness, he could have disabled all--if not the vast majority--of the threats almost entirely without input from the others...and using a fraction of the energy he'd expended in reality. He shook his head slightly And glanced between the other members of their ragtag group, noting that each of the three silver swords had already been accounted for. Dismissing the idea of asking for one, Lhirin instead glanced down to his own runeblade even as he lifted its sheath to eye level. Scanning briefly he reviewed the various runes inscribed on each of their surfaces. When he was satisfied, Lhirin lowered both implements and turned his attention to the top of the stairs. Thoughts flitted through his mind As he considered, and then discarded the idea of imbibing any of his limited stock of piaan. After all, those were only for emergencies, and this did not yet qualify. With that decided, Lhirin spoke, his voice projected mostly due to his clear tone and the acoustics of the room. [color=silver][b]"Freagon,"[/b][/color] he said, addressing the knight without so much as a glance his way, only then to pause for an awkward moment after which he half turned to regard the man with one silver iris. [color=silver][b]"Accompany me?"[/b][/color] he asked, though his expression was difficult to read, yet clearly bereft of any embarrassment.