[center][h1][color=ec008c]Chaos has landed[/color][/h1] [h2]Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland[/h2] [h2]0500 Local Time[/h2][/center] Samantha stepped off the plane with the team. It was cold. Her stomach was turning itself inside out with nerves and emotions. She had known this was coming. She wouldn’t let them hold the team responsible for her decisions. She schooled her face to cold indifference, showing no emotion. She stepped off the ramp from the cargo area. She was still in her armor but had her helmet off in her hand. She didn’t have any clothes to change into. Samantha was looking around at their welcoming party when the man began to talk. She recognized the voice, Oracle. She met his eyes and held them with steely determination. Anger was building. Tahlia lashed out verbally saying much of what she was feeling. It just made her like the Kiwi woman even more. She gently put an arm in front of Tahlia and stepped forward in front of her. She let Oracle have his say. Samantha straightened her spine and glared at him. Her voice started off soft but carried as the emotions she had been holding at bay began to manifest. Her gray eyes flashing with anger and frustration. [color=ec008c]“I am Samantha Dalton, callsign Chaos. I was placed in charge of Raven during the attack by Skye Lyons and you. If you don’t trust my judgment, then you should not have put me in charge. If you don’t want my expertise, there are many others who do. I chose Raven Squad.”[/color] She started to answer Oracle when she was interrupted by Athena mouthing off. [color=ec008c]“You shut the fuck up! You know nothing little girl. Freya is like a sister to me and we have had each other’s back in the field. She has saved my life and I have saved hers. I would never knowingly put her in harm's way. You have no idea what the hell this team has been through. YOU DON’T GET TO JUDGE!”[/color] She turned back to Oracle. [color=ec008c]“This team has been through back to back dangerous missions where we almost didn’t make it out alive several times over. This team retrieved and completed everything you have asked of it time and time again. This team has been nothing short of exceptional, just like its leader, Skye Lyons. The same woman you are furious that I didn’t let you poke, prod, and lock up. This team works because we are all creative independent professionals not meek lambs who need directions and guidance for every decision. If anyone is to be punished for anything, It will be me. It was my decision to let Skye leave and mine alone. None of the others had the opportunity to stop her. I will answer your questions. I will be a professional because Skye would want me to cooperate with you. If this is how you treat the best of us, I have no respect for you… Sir.”[/color] Samantha was red in the face from anger. Her whole body was shaking. She was taking big gulping breaths. She began to walk forward. She just followed the road headed towards the base. She had to get away from these people before she hurt someone. Samantha allowed the armed men who were acting as guards to guide her where they wanted her. She was fine with it as long as it was away from their welcoming committee. She couldn’t believe that he tried to turn it around and give compliments about their competency after questioning her integrity and that of Skye and the team. She had no more fucks to give these people at the moment. [i][color=ec008c]Well rested her ass[/color].[/i] She knew the team was not well rested. She knew they needed to be debriefed. Not that she could sleep at the moment if she wanted too. She was full of angry energy and frustration. She just wanted to run until she dropped. [hr] Sam was in no mood to talk to anyone. She walked along with the rest of the team as she was shown to their quarters. She just nodded to Adam and walked into the room that was indicated. She had no clothes. They had literally donned armor and went to fight. The base was blown up with all their stuff as they were escaping. She should be glad she had anything she supposed. She closed the door to her room and pulled off her armor. She found some towels and took a shower. She had nothing to change into and simply crawled into bed, pulling the covers up over her. She curled into a ball and finally allowed all she had been holding in… out. She cried and screamed into her pillow. Fatigue finally sucked her into sleep where nightmares found her.