As Quinn left medical, she very briefly considered explaining herself: she'd only discovered it herself a couple days ago, and she'd forgotten. Then she realized how [i]insane[/i] that would sound. How ridiculous. And, furthermore, how [i]suspicious.[/i] She didn't need her new commander not being able to trust her. That would be bad. Quinn hadn't quite gotten used to the anatomy of the Ange over the Aerie, but she managed to find her way down to the hangar eventually, walking quicker than she had for the rest of the day. Her technician had arrived. And, as, she briefly looked over [i]Ablaze[/i] as she walked, the ever-familiar orange jumpsuit began to move towards her in an ever-familiar way. Quinn didn't stop. Quinn didn't even [i]slow.[/i] In fact, she matched Tillie's jog pace for pace, sped [i]up[/i], and cannoned into her at frankly concerning speeds before wrapping her in a crushing hug. [b][i]"[color=ffe63d]TILLIE!!![/COLOR]"[/i][/b] And just like before, for just that barest moment of Tillie Hugging, everything felt a bit right with the world. Which was a bit of an impressive feat, considering. But then that moment passed, and Quinn realized that she was being...[i]very[/i] much stared at, and she gave a self-conscious cough and released Tillie once more. After a little bit; she didn't want to stop the hug [i]quite[/i] then and there. But the impression she'd gotten from Casoban thus far had not been "pilots hugging their technicians." When it [i]was[/i] finally over, Quinn rubbed the back of her head and let out an embarrassed half-laugh as she released Tillie, taking a step or two back. "[color=ffe63d]Eheh, sorry about that. It's just...nice to see a friendly face.[/color]" She [i]had,[/i] after all, had [i]quite[/i] the morning. Right. People were staring. Another quiet cough. "[color=ffe63d]How, um. How does [i]Ablaze[/i] look?[/color]" "[sub][color=ffe63d]I missed you.[/color][/sub]"