[hider=Cawuio-Zast][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1022594827449278635/1196740061732020325/385529449_1068267424307601_772668038919861258_n.jpg?ex=65b8ba09&is=65a64509&hm=0788810c27192f9ddd8e3cdd68a13a4a70b0ec9f6eb146d88be6704c58697ecd&=&format=webp&width=513&height=676[/img][/center][center][h2][u][color=39b54a]Cawuio-Zast[/color][/u][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=39b54a]“Fame, fortune, its free to those willing to cast the die first.”[/color][/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 20 | Male | An Zenui | Explorer | 8.4 [/b] [/h3][/center] [center][h2][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjOvyRBH6Ds&ab_channel=AuraofMana]♫[/url][/h2][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Audacious] Nothing ever good came from playing things safe, Cawuio-Zast knows this better than anyone. Inaction and passivity result in a stagnating life void of spice. Cawuio-Zast is well aware of the life he would be living if he hadn’t been daring. Now he swears his life by that virtue. ❖ [Adventurous] What lies beyond the horizon? Wealth? That sounds nice. Danger? He could only hope. A new chapter in the legend? Now that is worth dying for. Cawuio-Zast welcomes the dawn of a new day, whatever it may bring. He is unusually fond of bogs and swamps. ❖ [Roguish] Cawuio-Zast is not above breaking the law to achieve his goals although it not usually in a malicious manner. In his mind he is just having a bit of fun. What a boring world it would be if everyone followed the rules all the time. ❖ [Greedy] Cawuio-Zast loves the glint of gold and the feeling of a valuable item dropping on his lap. ❖ [Charitable] Cawuio-Zast was, at one point, the biggest donor to the Grønhalle to the bewilderment and respect of the local Eskandish student body. Money is made to be spent and enjoyed. So although he has made a lot in his endeavors, Cawuio-Zast always seems to have shallow pockets.[/indent] [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] Cawuio-Zast has the stance of a proud, if not a little short, Cazenax. His chin is rarely seen below the horizontal line, not from a need to look at those around him, but simply a matter of pride. In terms of attire, he does not immediately come off a Cazenax. Some have even mistaken him for a unusually thin and poxy Hegelan on this fact alone. Cawuio-Zast dresses like a swashbuckler, for lack of a better term. His threads mainly consist of custom-made Perrench clothing and not the cheap kind. Although, time spent on the open ocean and in the strangest places known on Sipenta has given them a well-worn feeling. But the standout feature of Cawuio-Zast is his green skin. This is an unfortunate side-effect of the Festerblood he developed. But he doesn’t look too bad for his condition due to his Mender secondary blood type. He still looks chipper and not diseased by any means. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Avincian Cazenax Perrench [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Contrary to his Ersand’Enise contemporaries, Cawuio-Zast learnt dark magic first. Due to this, he is unusually proficient in that school. His following studies were made on a need to know basis. If he saw a need for a spell in his adventures, he would learn it. The exception to this is the Chemical school from which Zast learnt self-defense spells. He particularly favors the gaze and touch spells. [hider=Magic Table] [table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Base RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Augmented RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]HP[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Blood Types[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Items[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell]8.4[/cell][cell]8.6[/cell][cell]16[/cell][cell]Festerblood & Mender[/cell][cell]Flintlock and 2 daggers[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]School[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Speciality[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Tier[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Base[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Offensive[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Defensive[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFD700]Magnetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i][/i][/cell][cell]Novice[/cell][cell]D4[/cell][cell]-[/cell][cell]-[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF8C00]Arcane[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Luminescent[/i][/cell][cell]Apprentice[/cell][cell]D5[/cell][cell]-[/cell][cell]-[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF0000]Binding[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Healing: Medical, Material: Creation[/i][/cell][cell]Journeyman[/cell][cell]D8[/cell][cell]-[/cell][cell]-[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=BA55D3]Chemical[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Internal: Disruptive, External: Corruptive[/i][/cell][cell]Apprentice[/cell][cell]D10[/cell][cell]-[/cell][cell]-[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=1E90FF]Kinetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i][/i][/cell][cell]Novice[/cell][cell]D4[/cell][cell]-[/cell][cell]-[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=00FF00]Atomic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]N/A[/i][/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=800000]Blood[/colour][/cell][cell][i]N/A[/i][/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFFFF0]Temporal[/colour][/cell][cell][i]N/A[/i][/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=000000]Dark[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Summoning: Energy & Matter[/i][/cell][cell]Journeyman[/cell][cell]D8[/cell][cell]-[/cell][cell]-[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=808080]Command[/colour][/cell][cell][i]N/A[/i][/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=a0410d]Primordial[/colour][/cell][cell][i]N/A[/i][/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][cell]N/A[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Extra[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Description[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Fruit:[/colour][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Other:[/colour][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][/table][/hider] [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Born poor, weak, and starving in the lowest classes of An Zenui, Cawuio-Zast thought nothing of it when he began to encompass a green rash across his skin. Disease catches up with everyone, particularly those without the spare funds to buy medicines. He would either pull through this plague or perish to it, that was life. Death catches up with everyone one day. But it persisted, neither killing him nor ever recovering from it. To make things stranger, no one else in Zast’s immediate circles caught the disease either. Even laymen in the study of medicine could tell that this was strange and it drew the attention of Cazanax scholars. Cawuio-Zast was told that he had Festerblood. He was about to say he knew where he caught that from, before he was promptly informed that it was a mana type he was born with. Due to its rarity and the extra magic capabilities it provided, the young Cazenax was promptly taken away from the slums he called home to the top academy in An Zenui. At the academy, he would study dark magic and be treated for his affliction while being studied in turn. Zast was not much for books or studying at all really, but he took to dark magic pretty quickly. To manifest anything he wanted from nothing, that was the lap of luxury. Endless opportunity, endless results, a wandering mind could picture anything. It was only a matter of time before he got a genius idea. Zast began to religiously summon items from the VOID with a particular result in mind: a cure to the Festerblood. Tnen day he found it. Zast pulled his arm out of the VOID to find a slice of creamy cheese in his hand. Not knowing the consequences of its consumption, he ate the entire thing immediately. The next day, Cawuio-Zast woke up completely fine. Aside from the green skin, he felt completely healthy to a state the scholars of the academy could never achieve. Finding new ability and freedom in his cure, the Cazanax took to the nearest ship out of Calanast. The rest is history for the making. [color=39b54a]“Did I ever tell you about that duel I had with Snattlejake Rake? A top agent of a mysterious assassin group, I’ll have you know. The man was expecting me to cast spells or something, but I just shot him instead. Only took one bullet. Funnily enough, they’re weak to bullets just like you and me.” “Did I ever tell you about that time I did a panty raid on a temple of Ahn-Eshiran? There I was, trying to run from a bunch of nuns wielding scythes and, let me tell you, they were gaining one me. That was when I got a brilliant idea, I summoned a tipped-over barrel at the top of a hill.” “So there I was, dancing on top of this barrel, just trying to stay upright while it keeps getting faster. Meanwhile, I look behind me and then nuns are practically tripping over themselves trying to keep up. Death couldn’t catch me that day.”[/color] [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] Cawuio-Zast is out for money, danger, and legacy. Not necessarily in that order. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] Cawuio-Zast travels light. He has his daggers, his lucky flintlock, and the clothes on his back. Anything else can just be conjured after all. [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖Good Eye: Cawuio-Zast is a good-shot. ❖ Charm: Speaks for itself really. But his internal chemical magic doesn’t hurt his odds. ❖ Lucky: Always seems to find himself making it out of dangerous situations by the skin of his teeth. ❖ Gift of Gab: Has a way of getting good deals on things. ❖ Man of the Road: Zast is well versed in traversing unknown destinations.[/indent] [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Poor judgment: Never learnt what it means to make a safe decision. ❖ Impulsive: Will do things on a whim constantly. ❖ Criminal: And has the record to prove it. ❖ Vagabond: Should his travels meet him with a bad fate, he has no place to return to and no place to run for safety. ❖ Royal lineage?: He could be the son of King Rouis of Perrence. While it is considered a rumor, this could land him in hot water very soon as he decides between serving in his father’s war or sailing the high seas to create his own dream. [/indent] [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] [color=39b54a]Hex code is 39b54a[/color] [hider=Class Schedule] Did you really think this guy goes to classes? [/hider] [/hider]