[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]??? — Town Outskirts[/h3] [/center] “Sorry but I have to do better than that. There was no way I wasn’t going to help you help people out after all” Rayne replied, aware that he was joking as much from the lack of any newfound connection as from being able to read him. Or, well, there was a tiny link she realized as she touched her fragile network in-order to take to the air again. It was thin as string, caused by an underlying kindness in the man of metal’s words. That warmed her heart, and so too did his careful lifting up of the unconscious Elaine. “Thank you both, I wouldn’t have been much use if I’d come to do this alone” she said to both healer and transporter of their rescuee, reflecting again on the irony that a power gained from helping primarily allowed her to do harm. There was at least one thing she could do, and that was help keep the rain off. Having to admit that she too, was a little lost (“I’m used to navigating caves, not the surface, ours isn’t safe any more”) she had no objection to lending Remilia her hat so she could go have a peak above the canopy. While that was occurring, she pulled out the shield she had ‘borrowed’ from a raven herald and used it to create an improvised rain shield for the baby and at least some of its mother, while getting wet herself. Seeing as she was already drenched, this hardly mattered to her, which was why she offered to let Remilia either keep using the hat, or if she did get it back, she popped it on Elaine so she could increase the area she was protecting from the rain. “So, um, lady Remilia, I take it you missed the start of this where we kinda worked out what was going on, ish?” Rayne said to the little lady as they traveled, as much to make conversation as to fill her in “The rest of us arrived in a temple of some kind, where two children were being attacked by the Raven Heralds, the same people who attacked the village we’re going to. One of them said that a goddess spoke to them, one called Lavielle, who summoned us here to save them” “I’m not sure where here is, but it isn’t my world, that’s for sure. I knew everyone that was still alive in mine, I was Linked to them all, and no one here, and none of you, are from there. So this must be somewhere else” she then explained, heading off what was probably one of the more immediate questions she expected would come up. That was, unfortunately, all she really had, and so they’d need to wait till they got back to town to see if anyone else had learned anything. Fortunately enough, their trip back was uneventful, and so soon enough they were back at the lodge, where, after reuniting Elaine and her child with a tearful husband, it seemed like there might indeed be more that had been learned, and Rayne for one was all pointy ears with regard to whatever it might be.