Neil stared at her for a second. Not because she was naked, or not only because of that, but he was also concerned. If one was sleeping while R.I.P. tides were uneven, and particularly if they were entering or exiting the lanes, it was a common occurence to cause dreams, particularly vivid nightmares. There was something about the phenomenon that effected the brain and triggered such things, particularly when one was offguard and asleep. He wasn't going to ask her if his theory was right, but it was clear he could make an educated guess as to what happened. "Lonney, take the wheel." He said absently, before getting up. "Hey Captain, it's all good. We had a bit of trouble but we're safe now," He temporized. Junebug's eyes were set forward, almost as if she was still dreaming, or at least thinking about something far away. "Babe? Why don't you get some clothes on before Taya wakes up? You know how I jealous I get." It was a joke, but he did think her heartbeat needed to slow down a notch or two. "Get a shower too, you're kinda sweating-" "Just give me the report, Neil." She said, finally looking at him. He scratched his head, glancing back at the display monitor. "Ok, at around 300 hours standard terran time, there was an anomaly in the R.I.P. tides and we all almost died. Bad news is we need more power and coaxium to get back into R.I.P. space and make our payday. Good news is, we're not dead thanks to my piloting skills, and we're also not in the middle of deep space. We actually ended up in a known system. One you know better than most, probably." He ended the explanation with a shrug, thinking it was good luck they stopped here. Sayeeda might have a contact or two that would help them get the supplies they needed without denting their funds too much. "What do you mean?" She asked curiously, eyes narrowing. "We ended up in Hydronikas, and judging from the sensors here-" He walked to the cockpit chair and pointed at a smaller display where data was still beading across the screen as Lonney continued to scan their surroundings. "We're just a few hundred thousand miles away from your home planet. We can dock there and get the shit we need and then head out after a small holiday. If you got family there you can introduce me." He looked back at her, and her face was unreadable for a brief moment. "Babe?"